Waiting On Wednesday (10) : My Life In Black And White by Natasha Friend

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event that is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine and spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

My Life In Black And White by Natasha Friend
Publication Date :June 28th 2012


Summary (from Goodreads)

Lexi has always been stunning.

Her butter-colored hair and perfect features have helped her attract friends, a boyfriend, and the attention of a modeling scout. 

But everything changes the night Lexi's face goes through a windshield. 

 Now she's not sure what's worse: the scars she'll have to live with forever, or what she saw going on between her best friend and her boyfriend right before the accident. 

 With the help of her trombone-playing, defiantly uncool older sister and a guy at school recovering from his own recent trauma, Lexi learns she's much more than a pretty face.







 This definitely looks like a book I would enjoy reading. The cover is stunning and the summary intriguing. I can't wait to read it!
Which book are you waiting for ? Be sure to let me know!


  1. That sounds so good! But sad! How horrible that she saw something between her boyfriend and best friend right before the accident! Those types of stories always make me super angry and emotional. I hope she finds something special with the guy at school dealing with trauma as well. Great pick!
    My WOW

  2. Oh wow, that sounds intense but also truly great!!!! Thanks for featuring this book I haven't seen it before but, I might want to read it! Thanks!

  3. @ Jennifer
    I know. I love when books give me a rush of emotions. It means I'm truly enjoying it.
    Hopefully, this book will be the same ! :)

    Doesn't it? No problem. Even I came across it only a few days ago. :)

  4. Wow wow Nick!! Great pick! :) I like the sound of this book! Should definitely pick it up when it comes out! :) ;) <3

  5. Love your pick! I have to say that Wednesday is my favorite day because I find so many great books to add to my shelf. And this one will definitely be added! Thank you for sharing! :)

    Here's mine:


  6. Not sure I like the cover of this, but the story sounds interesting! Here's mine: Small Blonde Hippy

  7. Oh wow! I haven't heard of this one before, but it sounds FANTASTIC -- and that cover is so gorgeous! I'm definitely adding this one to my TBR pile now! Can't wait! ;)

    Awesome pick for your WOW this week, Nick! I just officially joined your waiting group for this book! :)

  8. Wow. I think people should definitely read (and write LOL) more books like this! Though I don't think I'll pick it up.. I'm not up for intense reads these days and this one sounds like one. :x

    Patricia // My WOW

  9. Sounds like a good trama book. I hope you enjoy it.

  10. Wow! That sounds like my kind of book. Thank you for sharing and for stopping by my blog!:-)

  11. I have never heard of this one before so I shall have to look into it.

    I hope you enjoy it once you get a chance to read it. :)


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