Feature & Follow # 2

Feature and Follow is a weekly event hosted by AllisonCanRead and Parajunkee. It is a way to meet new bloggers and increase your number of followers. 

Q: What is the best book you've read in the last month? What is the worst book you've read in the last month?

Saving June by Hannah Harrington was the best book I read in February. It was a really emotional and enjoyable read! You guys should check out my review for it! :)

Alright, so technically it's not that this book is the worst book I've ever read, but unlike other readers and bloggers I found it to be so boring and the main character was pretty bratty. I ended up disliking the entire story!

Which was the best and worst book you read last month ? Be sure to leave a link to your F&F in the comments section.
If you follow me, do let me know and I will follow you back :) :)

Have a great weekend :D


  1. I'm sorry to hear that you didn't enjoy Switched. I just bought the book a couple days ago. I have heard such great things, so hopefully I enjoy it!

    New Follower. Here is my Follow Friday.

  2. Hi & Happy Friday :)

    Saving June was great! I haven't read anything by Amanda Hocking.

    Sharon @ www.obsessionwithbooks.blogspot.com

  3. I'm glad you enjoyed Saving June! I really liked it as well. I thought the characters were a bit annoying, but I get annoyed with most characters so I didn't really take much notice.

    Have a great weekend!
    Books of Amber

  4. I can't believe Saving June isn't on my TBR pile yet! (I really thought it was!) But since you say that it was your favourite book of last month, then I definitely have to give it a shot -- I'm really excited now! :) And I'm sorry you didn't like Switched that much! Wendy was a little childish at first, but I grew towards her near the end and I'm still excited to read Torn!

    Awesome answer, Nick! I hope you have an amazing weekend! :)

  5. Found your blog through Parajunkie's blog hop and just started following - looking forward to reading more of your posts!


  6. Saving June is totally on my tbr list!!! New follower! Awesome answer! Totally agree and love your post!!!!

    Follow me too?

  7. Hopping through. I enjoyed Switched, but I didn't expect very much from it. I can see why people wouldn't like it.
    My Hop

  8. I haven't read Saving June, but I'm glad you enjoyed it! I LOVED Switched, sorry you didn't like it! Thanks for stopping by and for the follow! *New Follower* Very pretty blog, btw :)

  9. I read Saving June last year and loved it! Thanks for stopping by my blog and hope you have a great weekend.


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