Blog Tour Stop : Generation by William Knight

Summary (from Goodreads)
A crime-thriller with an injection of horror.

The facts behind the fiction.
In 2001 scientists isolated the gene for regenerating damaged organs from the DNA of a South American flatworm. Within five years it had been spliced into the chromosomes of a rhesus monkey, transported through the cell walls by a retro-virus denuded of its own genetic material.

Attempting to regrow impaired or elderly tissues, a scientist will one day modify the DNA of human beings by injecting the gene-carrying virus. It is just a matter of time.

Before consenting to treatment, you may want to ask a simple question: could there be a situation in which you would want to die but were unable to do so?

Journalist Hendrix 'Aitch' Harrison links bodies stolen from a renowned forensic-research lab to an influential drug company.

Aided by Sarah Wallace, a determined and beguiling entomologist, he delves into a grisly world of clinical trials and a viral treatment beyond imagining.

But Aitch must battle more than his fear of technology to expose the macabre fate of the drugged victims donated to scientific research.

Personal Thoughts
I’m writing a mini-review for this book because I do not want to give out any spoilers.

Before I became engrossed in YA books, I was a huge fan of mystery and thriller books. I love them. I usually read books by Michael Crichton, Tess Gerritsen and Dean Koontz. Generation has to be the first mystery-thriller book I’ve read in a very long time. Honestly, I’m really glad I did because I enjoyed reading this.

The book introduces us to Hendrix Harrison, most commonly known as Aitch. He works as a journalist for Strange Phenomena, which usually deals with supernatural news. His editor and friend, Tom, asks him to investigate ghost-sightings in Newcastle and thus, Hendrix finds himself over there. However, things don’t go as planned and Aitch finds himself beginning to investigate cases involving a major wealthy drug company. The story is basically about Aitch digging into the secrets of this company and finding out what truly is happening.

I liked that this book was written from several different POVs because as a reader you get to see the different sides of the story. Multiple POVs can be very annoying sometimes, especially if the author uses the same tone and personality for the different characters. However, William Knight did a brilliant job giving each and every character different mentalities and attributes. 

Now, the plot itself was very intriguing. The synopsis is what initially drew me to sign up for the blog tour. As a Science student and a huge fan of Hodgins on the TV show Bones, I found myself enjoying all aspects connected with Science and Generation is pretty heavy on the Science, especially on genetics and entomology. The story, according to me, was compelling, challenging and addictive. I started the book last morning and I finished it by afternoon because it was that entertaining. (Good thing, I’m currently at home or I wouldn’t have done any work!)
It also got me reflecting about a lot concerning Science because I’m pretty sure with all the advances that man-kind is making in the field of Science that the events in this book could someday happen in real life. Honestly, I have no idea what I would do if I found myself in such a situation!

Overall though, Generation was a mysterious, astonishing and in a certain way pretty frightful book with a great set of remarkable characters. I know for certain that I’ll be picking up more of this author’s works!

I know that most of my followers are mostly YA readers, but if you’re like me and like many different genres, then I suggest that you give Generation a shot. I promise you that you won’t be disappointed.


Cover : 3/5
Plot : 4/5
Characters : 4/5
Writing : 5/5

Get Generation on Amazon or Barnes & Noble
you know you want to!

And please vote for my blog in the traffic-breaker poll for this tour. The blogger with the
most votes wins a $50 Amazon gift card. I want that to be me! You can vote in the poll by
visiting the official
blog tour page
and scrolling all the way to the bottom.

Be sure to enter for your chance to win an autographed copy of Generation :

William Knight is a British born journalist and technologist currently living and working in
Wellington, New Zealand. He's chased a varying career starting in acting, progressing to music,
enjoyed a brief flirtation with handbag manufacturing and was eventually wired into technology
where he's been since 1989. In 2003 he published his first feature in Computing magazine
and has since written about the many successes and failings of high-tech for the Guardian,
Financial Times and the BBC among many others publications. He continues to maintain a
lively IT consultancy. Connect with William on his website, blog, Facebook, Twitter or GoodReads.


  1. Thanks very much for taking part in the blog tour, Nick. And thanks for the wonderful review. If you or your readers have any comments or questions, I'll pop back and get involved in the conversation.

  2. Only 3 for the cover? That cover is muy creepy! :P

    I also enjoyed this book, especially the multiple POVs as you mentioned. :)

  3. @ Lei
    Well, I don't really know what the cover of the paperback looks like since I have the eBook, but I wouldn't have picked up the book seeing that cover though!
    Glad you enjoyed it! :)

  4. Hi Nick, I could totally think of Bones too when reading about Sarah! Really nice review.
    BTW, Ritesh here from


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