ReVamped by Ada Adams : Review + Author Interview + Giveaway

Summary (from Goodreads)

A simple mission turned deadly.

Nineteen-year-old vampire Dawn has led a sheltered life within the confines of her father’s presidential headquarters. Upon being sent on a mission to revamp four goofy misfits into guardians of a peaceful little town of Angel Creek, Dawn believes that all her dreams have finally come true. What starts off as a simple task, turns into something unexpected, changing Dawn’s life forever and leading the action-loving, thrill-seeking vampire teen on a path of mystery, danger and intrigue.

When a human girl is kidnapped by a group of rogue vamps, Dawn discovers that there is more going on in Angel Creek than meets the eye. And it all connects to Ethan, the cute newcomer who seems too perfect to be true, Sebastian, the mysterious vampire with a turbulent past, and even Dawn herself. Dawn must not only succeed in revamping the troubled recruits, but must also prevent the vampire race from being overtaken by a malevolent villain who has a strange and obsessive fascination with her. As threat escalates, romance blooms, and ghosts from her past begin to surface, Dawn is sure of only one thing: her life will never be the same.

Personal Thoughts

I have come across plenty of vampire books while reading, but very few have captured my interest and attention.  When Ada Adams asked me to review ReVamped for her, I didn't know what to expect from the book. One thing was certain though ; the synopsis immediately drew me in and I was excited to see what the author had done to this world of vampires.

The book presents to us with Dawn, a Born vampire, living with her Vampire US President father, Alistair. When her father asks her to go on a mission in a small town called Angel Creek, Dawn immediately accepts because she has lived a pretty much sheltered life throughout her 19 years on Earth. However, things don't go as planned in Angel Creek and before she knows it, the simple mission turns into something deadly and dangerous.
Dawn was a fantastic main character. She was strong, powerful, kick-ass and confident. I loved her character and I found myself comparing her to Rose from The Vampire Academy series.  Dawn may be a powerful warrior-like heroine, but she definitely had a soft side to her. She was caring, sweet, honest and friendly. She respected the vampires she was training at Angel Creek and I loved her interactions with them. Despite being brave and confident, Dawn was also very naive in a sense. Thing is a lot has been hidden from her and upon learning these things she felt devastated, hurt and heart broken. However, she doesn't let that crush her and towards the end of the novel she matures tremendously and turns into a character who is admirable. Because of that, Dawn seemed very realistic.
Overall, I enjoyed Dawn as a main character and I found myself enjoying seeing things through her eyes.

The book has two love interests. Ethan and Sebastian. Usually, when it comes to love triangles, I can easily make up my mind on which guy I like more and who I want to see end up with the main character. With ReVamped, this was definitely not the case. I found myself falling for both guys because both had excellent qualities. So, I was pretty much in  a dilemma and will have to wait to see where the author takes us with the love triangle.
Sebastian and Ethan were in a way alike, but on the other hand they were also quite different from each other.
Ethan was the human bartender at the Angel Creek diner. Upon meeting him, Dawn is drawn and attracted to him. Not only is he gorgeous, but he was also kind, teasing, sweet and charming. He has a huge crush on Dawn and they instantly click it off. I loved how he cared about her and was ready to risk his life for her although he was a mere human. I found that really adorable and brave. However, Ethan is also keeping a secret. To be honest, I never saw the secret concerning Ethan and it blew me away.
Sebastian, on the other hand, is initially rude and mysterious to Dawn. Over the course of the story, he changes. He becomes nicer and begins to truly care for Dawn. He was a fierce, protective and strong character although in a way he was emotionally scarred by events in his past. When the events that froze his heart were finally brought to light, I felt so much for him and all I wanted to was give him a hug.  Overall, both the love interests were great in their own way.

The secondary characters which include Brooke, Sophie, Hunter and Seth were also developed. They were each unique and different from each other and seeing such different personalities interact was at times funny and entertaining!
I especially liked Dawn's relationship with each of them and seeing these bonds strengthen throughout the book were also very great.
You would think that with a love triangle the author would concentrate solely on the romance like most authors do nowadays, but I'm happy to let you know that this wasn't the case in ReVamped. In fact, the romance in the book is very light and I'm not complaining.
ReVamped was full of action, mystery and drama that had be completely intrigued. There were many twists in the book that I weren't anticipating and these really made the book enjoyable. My only complaint is that I felt like some parts were rushed, but nevertheless I liked this book.
I absolutely loved what Ada Adams did to the world of Vampires in this book. It was different and original.

Overall, for a debut novel, ReVamped was excellent! With its outstanding characters, unexpected plot twists and mysterious world, ReVamped was a winner for me.
I look forward to reading the sequel and resume adventures with Dawn. Hopefully, the sequel will be as good or better than this one!
I do not hesitate recommending this book to fans of YA Paranormal books ! 


Cover : 5/5
Plot : 4/5
Characters : 4/5
Writing : 4/5

Hi guys!

Today, it's with immense pleasure that I introduce you to Ada Adams, a YA author, whose debut novel ReVamped was released in February 2012. Below is a summary of her profile from Goodreads and an interview in which she participated! Also, Ada Adams has kindly agreed to giveaway an Kindle copy of her book! How cool is that ?

"Many people sing in the shower. I write scenes in my head and act them out."

At age five, Ada read her first chapter book - Pippi Longstocking. Ever since that moment, she developed an intense passion for the stories and characters found within the pages of literature.

In her career as an actress and a writer, Ada currently spends most of her days immersed in imaginary worlds. Much like the characters she enjoys playing and writing about, Ada is a martial artist with a Black Belt in Shotokan Karate. She is also a big proponent of lifelong learning, and has attained Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (it aids in creating characters with unique quirks!) as well as a Master's of Science in Education.

Ada strives to bring a fresh voice and perspective to fiction. She has been writing creatively for many years. "ReVamped" is her debut novel.

She lives in Toronto, Canada, and enjoys adventurous nature hikes with her adorable puppies Cara and Oreo. 


1. What inspired you to write a book based on vampires?

There is no denying that many of us (much like the humans in the “ReVamped” world) are enthralled with vampires. I wanted to create a vampire story with a little twist on the genre and inject some humor into the sometimes-dark subject matter. I also wished to explore vampire characters who possessed quirky, not-so-perfect personalities, and who could also stand as real “people/teens” even after you took away their “vampiric powers”. Overall, I was looking to tell a unique tale with a mix of action, adventure, romance and the paranormal, and have a great time doing it! After my initial plotting and drafting stages, “ReVamped” garnered a life of its own. Its plot and characters played a very intricate part inspiration-wise.

2. Do you have anything in common with Dawn, the main character of your book?

I have a Black Belt in Karate and possess a great passion for adventure. Although, my father didn’t force me to learn every single Martial Arts discipline (thankfully!), and my escapades had never led to a place like Angel Creek. We both also share a desire to always do our best and put in a 110% into any task we embark on. While it can be a very rewarding trait, it doesn’t always act in our favor—as you’ve seen with Dawn, I’m sure. As well, just like Dawn, I’m also a vampire. Not because I drink Blood Cola, but because I often stay up the entire night to write!

3. What are your future plans for Dawn? Are writing a sequel?

Dawn’s story has definitely only begun. “ReAwakened”, the second book in the “Angel Creek” series, is currently in the works. It is slated for a late Spring/early Summer 2012 release, but the magnitude of interest from the readers of “ReVamped” will have some impact on its publication date.

The plot of “ReAwakened” is actually turning out to be very intriguing and quite dramatic. Yes, even more twists and turns! It still has a lot of action, but it will also delve a little deeper into the romantic aspects of the story. I can’t reveal much about it yet, but a few interesting characters will be making an appearance and causing a lot of havoc for both Dawn and Angel Creek. I’m excited to see the “ReVamped” gang grow as they embark on new adventures!

4. What according to you makes your book different from other Vampire books?

I have taken some liberty with the vampire myths and explored a fun “what if” scenario. Since our world is so enthralled with vampires…what would happen if they actually turned out to be real? How would our society work? Would the vampires be dazzling and all-powerful—no-questions-asked—or have some quirks and flaws? The “ReVamped” characters are definitely imperfect in their own unique ways. Most of the characters have very “human” strengths, weaknesses, fears and passions.

5. You studied psychology. How has this helped you in writing this book?

I’ve always had a great passion for learning about the innermost workings of the human psyche. My interest in that area definitely aids in character creation—especially when it comes to the villains!

While I am not a licensed/practicing psychologist, I would certainly love to psychoanalyze some of the “ReVamped” characters! Who do you think would make the best subject?

6. What were the hardest parts while writing this book and what was your favourite part?

My favorite part, by far, has been getting to know the characters. It makes me sound a little nuts, but I truly mean it when I say that they had a life of their own. It was because of their personalities, decisions and motivations that the story turned out the way it did.

The most nerve-racking part has definitely been anticipating how people will respond to the story and the characters of “ReVamped”. So far, I’ve received some very sweet, humbling notes from readers. I do hope that I haven’t offended any werewolf lovers out there. It’s all in good fun, I promise! :)

7. Who is your favourite character in this book?

I care about each character and appreciate them for their own, unique personalities. Dawn is great, although I think that she can sometimes be a little naïve about certain things. Throughout the story, she develops a lot, and I can’t wait to see her grow even more as she’s faced with new challenges in “ReAwakened”.

I do have to admit that Sebastian intrigues me quite a bit. He has many great “good-guy” characteristics, but I also feel like there’s something a little unpredictable about him. With a past like that, I guess it’s understandable. Some of this will get explored and unlocked in “ReAwakened”. I can’t talk much about Ethan, as most of what I have to say contains “ReVamped” spoilers, but I can reveal that he will get some interesting “page time” in the sequel. The “misfits” keep me very entertained! Writing a scene when they’re all assembled together in one room is a blast!

I’m still trying to sort my feelings about Aurora…

Quick Personal Questions

1. What are you currently reading?

While working on “ReVamped”, I couldn’t devote any time to reading. My characters and story took over my entire mind and wouldn’t make space for any other stories. Therefore, I’m only now catching up on the recent novel trends. I just finished “The Hunger Games” trilogy and am now reading “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” series. I’m a quick reader (I can usually average a book a day), so I’ll be caught up on all the fads in no time. One of my friends wrote a book called “Drowning Mermaid recently, so I’m reading that as well. It’s a novel take on mermaids, and much like Dawn, her main character can hold her own in a fight. My mom has also recommended some great books by Pearl Buck, which I’m looking forward to reading as soon as possible.

2. What is your all time favourite book/favourite author?

I’m a very diverse reader. I like books in all genres, and I often appreciate different authors for different things. Some have wonderful stories, others compelling characters or magnificent writing styles. I try not to have one favorite book or author, as different books have touched me in different ways. Some books had made an impact on me while I was growing up, others I’ve met and fell in love with while in high-school English class or during University. Certain stories are uplifting and help me get through a rainy day, while others move me to tears. I draw from a long list of favorites, depending on my desires at a particular point in time.

3. What kind of music do you like to listen?

I’m not very discriminatory when it comes to music either—I like various types of music. I can always find something on the Top 40 to sing along to. Except, I can’t sing very well. :) I love Adele. I feel like each of her songs has as much story/meaning as an entire book!

4. Any tips for people aspiring to be YA authors out there?

“Just write!” I know that doesn’t sound like very profound advice, but I personally believe that if you have an idea, you shouldn’t let it stay locked away in your head forever. Start a diary, enroll in a workshop, join an online community of writers, do whatever it takes to motivate yourself to achieve your writing goals.

“Write for yourself.” Don’t write because you want to sell a million copies of your novel, win a Pulitzer, sell film rights for your work, etc. Write because you truly want to write. The story should come from a place of passion and love for the craft.

“Break the mold.” Don’t be afraid to try something new. Yes, not fitting into a mold is risky, but taking a chance on something unique can not only turn out to be rewarding, but also a lot of fun.

These are just a few of my personal opinions and tips. I am not an expert in any way. What works for me may not work for everyone else. Find your personal inspiration and use it! Happy writing! :)

I would like to thank Ada Adams for sending me a copy of the book and for willing to participate in this interview!
You guys, go buy her book, like NOW! :)


Winner gets one eBook copy (Kindle Edition) of ReVamped by Ada Adams.


  1. She studied psychology!! OMG this is so cool! :) :) I'll read her book for sure now! :) :) Great review Nick :) <3


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