Review : Good For You by Tammara Webber

Summary (from Goodreads)

Reid Alexander's life is an open book. His Hollywood celebrity means that everything he does plays out in the public eye. Every relationship, every error in judgment is analyzed by strangers. His latest mistake totaled his car, destroyed a house and landed him in the hospital. Now his PR team is working overtime to salvage his image. One thing is clear—this is one predicament he won’t escape without paying for it.

Dori Cantrell is a genuine humanitarian—the outward opposite of everything Reid is about. When his DUI plea bargain lands him under her community service supervision, she proves unimpressed with his status and indifferent to his proximity, and he soon wants nothing more than to knock her off of her pedestal and prove she's human.

Counting the days until his month of service is over, Dori struggles to ignore his wicked magnetic pull while shocking him with her ability to see past his celebrity and challenging him to see his own wasted potential. But Dori has secrets of her own, safely locked away until one night turns her entire world upside down. Suddenly their only hope for connection and redemption hinges on one choice: whether or not to have faith in each other.

Personal Thoughts

Good For You is the third and final book in the Between The Lines series. However, it can be read as a stand-alone. When I started the book, I didn't really have any expectations, so I wasn't surprised with what my feelings towards this book.

The book is told in the POVs of both main characters, Reid and Dori.
Reid was the famous heart-throb movie star with the bad boy reputation. He was notorious for sleeping around. After a drunk driving incident which destroys a family's home, Reid is sentenced to community service for a month.
Reid was arrogant and full of himself. He, initially, had a truly despicable behavior. Living up to his reputation, he constantly kept sleeping around with random girls. Because he was rich, famous and good looking, girls threw themselves all over him and Reid loved all the attention he got. All that changes, however, when he meets Dori while volunteering.
Dori was the complete opposite Reid. She was good. Like really really good. Helping and volunteering were part of her daily life. She loved it so much that she was going to make a profession out of it. She was a really sweet, loving, benevolent and generous character. You would think that it's pretty easy to like her, but I never really felt any connection to her character. In fact, her whole nice attitude, optimism and goody-two shoes behavior annoyed me a little. She seemed too perfect for me. Sure, later on, we do learn that she wasn't exactly the good girl she appeared to me, but still she was pretty frustrating.
I felt the same way with Reid. His bad-boy attitude bothered me a little and it was difficult to get into his head. Sometimes, I find the whole bad-boy behavior quite attractive, but in this wasn't the case with Reid.
 Overall, none of the main characters were relate-able, according to me.

The romance in the book was lackluster for me. The author tried to spice things up with intense make-out scenes and even a couple of descriptive sex scenes, but it didn't do it for me. I felt no chemistry whatsoever between Reid and Dori. They kept constantly bickering and annoying each other with some harsh words, but I still didn't find their relationship to be the heart-warming kind, the kind that melts you without even one kissing scene. I, also, didn't see why they liked each other so much.

The pace of the story was very slow to me, especially in the middle. It stayed in place and didn't give any indication of moving forward, which resulted in me being slightly bored. Moreover, the plot wasn't very original.
Nevertheless, I still think Tammara Webber is a good writer. She managed to give the two characters different personalities, which made it easier to actually distinguish between the POVs.

Overall, I think this book just wasn't for me. It had some good moments, but mostly I was bored while reading.
However, I still think some people might actually like it because of its content. A small warning, though, this book is not appropriate for younger readers. It is for more mature readers because it contains descriptive sexual content.


Cover : 3/5
Plot : 2/5
Characters : 2/5

Writing : 3/5


  1. ugh! Too bad ;(( really! I haven't seen this book before but when I read the synopsis it sounded cute. Too bad you didn't enjoy it in the end! And explicit hot sex scenes are not helping when you do not feel the chemistry!

  2. You know, the book was cute.
    I think I just was in a very foul mood when I read it which explains my negativity towards it. :/

    Ah, yes! They are so bland that way!

  3. The summary sounded like fun! Too bad it didn't live up to expectations. When I can't feel the chemistry/relate to the characters even to the slightest, I find it hard to read on. Thanks for the honest review, Nick :)

  4. Ajoop:
    Yeah, the summary is the very reason I decided to read this book, but it turned out to be disappointing. :(

  5. AW I'm sorry you didn't like this one. I have this on my pile to read this month so I'm hoping I like it. I have always had a soft spot for his character and well before his book was writen the author told me he was getting his own story down the line and I was excited already back then.

    I do believe he is a wounded guy and I can't wait to see his heart be mended, and for him to open up to more of a lifestyle than just booze and sex.

    I'm so sorry this didn't work for you, thanks for the great review though.


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