Feature & Follow # 5

Feature and Follow is a weekly event hosted by AllisonCanRead and Parajunkee. It is a way to meet new bloggers and increase your number of followers. 

Q: What is one book that you would be nervous to see a movie adaption of because you think the movie could never live up to the book?

Umm ... all books ?
I'm not usually big fan of book to movie adaptations since they don't live up to my expectations. Also, when I read a book, I already picture scenes and characters in my head based off the descriptions in the book. Casting can sometimes ruin those images in my head, so that when I decide to read the book again all I see in my mind is the actors. It's frustrating that way, especially if I don't like the actor to much!

Right now, I think I'm mostly nervous for the Divergent movie. Divergent was one of my favorite books of 2011 and I cringed when I heard they would be making the movie. I'm not sure if I'll watch it or not, but I'll check out the reviews from those who loved the book first. Who knows ? It might surprise me like The Hunger Games did!

What book are you guys nervous about being made into a movie ?
Don't forget to let me know! :)


  1. Hopping through. Casting does do a number on the images in my head. Definitely affected my view of Twilight - although some of the characters still look different in my head. The Harry Potter characters all match the actors in my head.
    My Hop

  2. I am always afraid but, normally I'm easy going with movies. I do know that they can never ever capture what we read in the book so I try to keep book and movie apart in my mind. Hunger Games was awesome, they really didn't change much. I was just disappointed in the actors.. ;(( Happy Friday!

  3. Old follower hoping through. I'm definitely agree with you. Sometimes the casting ruins the movie version.

  4. Uh huh, probably Vampire Academy :) I think there is no girl in the world up to Rose Hathaway :) <3

  5. I am so with you on Divergent. I can't wait for it to be movie-d, but at the same time, they'd better dang get it right!

  6. I too LOVED Divergent. I guess I heard they were turning it into a movie I just forgot about it. I hope they stay at least a little bit true to the book.

    Old follower

  7. I still have to read Divergent. It's sitting in my room waiting to be read. I'm a new follower :)

    My FF

  8. I just don't know any actors that will measure up for the Divergent movie! Great choice :)

    Happy Follow Friday!

  9. LOL I love your answer. I'm with you on that mostly. I do enjoy seeing my favorites on screen sometimes. Just so long as they don't feature shaky camera work (coughcoughHUNGERGAMEScoughcough)!

    Also, Happy FF! Just sneaking through to say hey. I'm a new follower!

    I hope you'll stop by & visit me too.

    Jenny @ Into the Morning Reads

  10. I feel the same way about Casting especially if it is an ongoing series that I still have to read. I prefer casting to fit my vision and not the other way around. Selfish I know.


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