Review : Perfect You by Elizabeth Scott

Summary (from Goodreads)

Kate Brown's life has gone downhill fast.

Her father has quit his job to sell vitamins at the mall, and Kate is forced to work with him. Her best friend has become popular, and now she acts like Kate's invisible.

And then there's Will. Gorgeous, unattainable Will, whom Kate acts like she can't stand even though she can't stop thinking about him. When Will starts acting interested, Kate hates herself for wanting him when she's sure she's just his latest conquest.

Kate figures that the only way things will ever stop hurting so much is if she keeps to herself and stops caring about anyone or anything. What she doesn't realize is that while life may not always be perfect, good things can happen -- but only if she lets them...

Personal Thoughts

Elizabeth Scott is one of my favorite authors out there. The first book I've ever read of hers was Stealing Heaven and I'd loved it. I started Perfect You with high expectations. Fortunately, I wasn't disappointed at all!

The story is about Kate. Her dad quit his job to sell crappy vitamins at a stand in the mall, her best friend Anna stopped talking to her after having quite a makeover and becoming popular and she secretly likes Will, who has kissed half the girls at school(according to Kate). Kate's problems are pretty much endless. Although Kate whines and complains a lot, she's is easy to connect with. Her actions are understandable. I really did like Kate as a character.
Most of the time, Kate thinks very lowly of herself, but throughout the book she grows and learns to realize how worthy she is. 
At times, I honestly wanted to slap Kate because of her ignorance. It was obvious what Anna was doing to her, but Kate couldn't see the wrong in Anna's actions. She still cared about her friend even after what Anna did to her.
However, her faults made her even more likable. She eventually realizes how wrong she was about certain people, especially Will, and that's when she really did become mature as a person.

Will , adorable and quirky Will. Will is Kate's crush and it's pretty obvious that he likes her as well. Kate spends her time pushing Will away because she believes that he doesn't really like her. However, Will does whatever he can to get close to Kate. He is the one person in the entire school who notices that Kate and Anna have stopped talking. He doesn't make fun of her weird dad. He honestly liked her for what she was.

Will and Kate's romance was cute. They had some sweet moments. They also spent a lot of time kissing! What I loved the most between the two of them would definitely be the banter. Some of the things that Kate said to Will had me laughing for a very long time. I also think they had great chemistry together and they made a very adorable couple.

I also liked Kate's brother and grandmother. Kate and her brother are constantly irritating each other. It was very realistic and I loved their interaction.
Elizabeth Scott writes smoothly and the story was pretty easy to follow. The author manages to intertwine love, friendship, family and personal growth to create a fantastic and realistic book.

Overall, I think that Perfect You is a winner with it's wonderful characters and beautiful themes.


Cover : 3/5
Plot : 5/5
Characters : 4/5
Writing : 5/5



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