Waiting on Wednesday (108) : The Immortal Heights by Sherry Thomas

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event that is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine to show the  upcoming titles that we're mostly eager for.

Summary (from Goodreads) 

Title : The Immortal Heights (The Elemental Trilogy #3)
Author : Sherry Thomas
Publication Date : October 13th 2015
Publisher : Harper Teen


OK, so this doesn't have a blurb yet, but OMG! I NEED IT! I love this series so much. Titus and Iolanthe are my OTP for life and I love the world and all of the secondary characters in this series. I have to admit though, I'm TERRIFIED of how the ending is going to play out because of a certain prophecy, but I have so much hope.

Also, can we take a moment to appreciate the beauty that is this cover? Once this book comes out, I'm buying this trilogy to decorate my shelf!

What do you think of this book?
Are you interested in reading it? Have you read any books in this series?
Let me know in the comments below and don't forget to leave links to your posts! :) 


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