Nick's Random Gibberish (13) : Top 5 TV Shows I Religiously Watch

Nick's Random Gibberish is a weekly post here at Nick's Book Blog where I, Nick, will talk about random topics from personal posts to discussion posts.

Hi guys!

Today, I'll be talking to you about the TV shows that I religiously watch. As some of you may already know, I'm a HUGE TV addict. I follow like a bazillion different shows. I also have this unhealthy habit of quickly becoming obsessed with shows. I'm determined to watch all the seasons of a show within like a week. 

Anyways, here are some of my favorite TV shows and why you should also be watching them.

1. The Good Wife 

Law, politics and some seriously strong women!
This is probably TV's best show out there. If you haven't been watching it, you are seriously missing out. It's definitely on the more mature side and I love how realistically it portrays the law. The cases are exciting and the character story lines are so well-developed. I only started this show last year, but let me tell you, I wound up watching the entire season during finals week (Whoops!), and then I binge watched the rest over the summer within a few weeks. 6 seasons later, I'm still obsessed with this show. Also, if you're still not convinced this is a great show, go ask Giselle at Xpresso Reads what she thinks. She thought she didn't like the show, but I got her hooked on it!! ;) 

2. The Big Bang Theory 

Nerdy awkward scientists!
I've been following The Big Bang Theory for a very long time and I have watched every single episode to date! *Proud* This is a show that never fails to bring a laugh to my face even though it is problematic in many different areas, especially the stereotypes. But still, I watch it for the fun of it and of course Sheldon is one entertaining fellow. This is definitely a show that you should check out if you're into sitcoms. 

3. How To Get Away With Murder

Two words : VIOLA DAVIS!
This is my current obsession. I'm totally in love with this show and can't get enough. The latest episode was so killer (pun intended). The best part about this show has to be Viola Davis. She is an amazing actress and you can't help but be captivated when you watch her on screen. Her character Annalise is unlikeable in many ways, but she still manages to make you FEEL. Also, this show has one of the cutest OTPs : Oliver and Connor! The rest of the characters are very unlikeable, but it actually works for this show. Also, the storyline yo! Every time I finish an episode of this show, I'm just left with a million different questions and I can't wait to tune in to the next episode. I don't know what I'm going to do after the season finale airs next week. *sobs* Also, I trust NO ONE on this show! 

4. Jane the Virgin

Romance, feminism, family and so much drama!
Jane the Virgin is one of my favorite new shows. I love it so much. It's based off of a telenovela and has a pretty dramatic premise (a virgin who winds up being accidentally artifically inseminated by her baby daddy's sister, also her gynecologist), but this show is so heartfelt. I feel like people are pushing this show away because of it, but they are missing out. The romance is made of swoon and the mystery is pretty awesome. But most of all, this show makes my feminist heart want to sing! 

5. Modern Family

An endearing family show with loveable characters. 
Modern Family is also one of those shows that has consistently amazed me. There are some stereotypes that go with this show too, but for the most part, I enjoy it and always get a good laugh out of watching it. It's also the show that my friend from back home and I bond over on a weekly basis, so this is very special to me.

So there you have it! My top 5 favorite shows.

Do you guys watch any of the shows I watch? What are some of your favorite shows? Be sure to let me know in the comments below!


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