Nick's Random Gibberish (5) : I Love Ebooks More Than Hard Copies!
Nick's Random Gibberish is a weekly post here at Nick's Book Blog where I, Nick, will talk about random topics from personal posts to discussion posts.
Hi guys!
I hope you all in the US had a great thanksgiving and the rest of you had awesome weeks as well. Mine was pretty great as well and I still feel stuffed! :)
Today I'll be talking about how I personally think ebooks are superior to hard copies. Wait, wait! Don't throw your shoes at me yet. I know a lot of you probably like reading hard copies much better, but while I used to be among those, I've found that I'm no longer as fond of hard copies as I previously.
I hope you all in the US had a great thanksgiving and the rest of you had awesome weeks as well. Mine was pretty great as well and I still feel stuffed! :)
Today I'll be talking about how I personally think ebooks are superior to hard copies. Wait, wait! Don't throw your shoes at me yet. I know a lot of you probably like reading hard copies much better, but while I used to be among those, I've found that I'm no longer as fond of hard copies as I previously.
Here are some reasons why I love ebooks better:
1. Cost of ebooks v/s hard covers
We all know that ebooks cost a lot less than hard covers and you can even often many ebooks on sale. For a college student who is on a tight monthly budget, this is just amazing because it still allows me to buy books and not feel like I have to give up my dinner for two nights. Hard covers cost a lot of money. Here in the US they are always about $15 or more, which is a little above what I can afford to be honest. Paperbacks are usually much cheaper than hard covers, but then most of them never release at the same time as the hard cover book does. Also, these prices are even more expensive abroad. I know back home I could never find a paperback for less than $20. So yeah, ebooks all the way because they are so much more cost efficient!
2. Easier availability of books
Having an e-reader makes life so much easier. I don't have to get out of bed to go and buy a book. I can get them online with just a click of the finger, which is especially useful to people who live far away from a bookstore or have little time to go to a bookstore or a plain lazy like I am and don't want to get out of bed. It's also very useful to international readers. You don't have to wait months for it to release in your country. You can just download it right upon release!
3. I can read whatever I want and no one has to know and judge me about it.
I think this might be my favorite part about an e-reader. There's a lot of judgment that comes along with an adult reading YA books. Honestly, I'm just not a confrontational kind of person, so if people do shame me for it, I'm going to feel like complete crap about myself. That's why I think having an e-reader where no one can figure what you are reading is so great. Also, my mother can't find out that I'm secretly a romantic and love to read romance novels! ;)
Source (Me when I hear my mom coming into my room when I'm reading)
4. Pace of reading
While I undoubtedly prefer ebooks to physical books, I still do read physical books. I realized some time back that I actually read a lot faster on ebooks than physical books. The last physical book I read which was around 400 pages or so took me about 4 days to complete. I can read an ebook of the same length in 2 days. So thanks to ebooks, I'm able to read more books!
While I undoubtedly prefer ebooks to physical books, I still do read physical books. I realized some time back that I actually read a lot faster on ebooks than physical books. The last physical book I read which was around 400 pages or so took me about 4 days to complete. I can read an ebook of the same length in 2 days. So thanks to ebooks, I'm able to read more books!
5. I can carry my e-reader with thousands of books wherever I go without feeling like I'm hurting my back.
E-readers are typically very light and bonus, you can store thousands of books in them, which makes carrying an e-reader around so convenient. I don't have to suffer through back pains and I don't have to be selective about what book to take. I can take whatever I want on my e-reader!
So yeah, these are some reasons I personally love ebooks more than hard copies. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a hard-copy hater. I still obviously love them because they smell so much better than an ebook and also they prettify your book shelves and your home which ebooks can't really do. But for me, I'm definitely more of an ebook fan.
How about you, dear reader? Are you in favor of ebooks or hard copies?
Let me know in the comments below!
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