Nick's Random Gibberish (4) : Can A Book's Ending Ruin The Book For Me?
Nick's Random Gibberish is a weekly post here at Nick's Book Blog where I, Nick, will talk about random topics from personal posts to discussion posts.
Hi guys!
Today I'm here to talk about book endings can change my opinion of the entire story.
So can a book's ending ruin the book for me?
Simple answer? YES!
Simple answer? YES!
I know, I know. It may seem a little over the top, but unfortunately, if a book doesn't end on a good note for me, I'm left feeling betrayed and just plain frustrated. It's not that I don't read books that have sad endings. I do, and I have read many books in the past, but when it comes to YA a sad ending has the tendency to destroy me. I just don't know why.
I wish it weren't the case, but I'm the sort of reader who NEEDS a HEA. By HEA, I don't mean everything in the book has to end positively, but I do NEED the couple to remain together and alive at the end. Why do you think I never read The Fault In Our Stars? I don't want to do that to myself, fall for a set of characters and have to watch them die at the end. It's just way too much for me.
I'm an extremely emotional person which means I'm also an emotional reader. I tend to form connections with my characters so easily and while that's great sometimes, at other times, it's devastating. This past year has especially been brutal with some trilogy endings. When I found out about the ending of Allegiant, I was a COMPLETE MESS. I'm not even exaggerating here when I say that I was angry and frustrated for days. I would talk on and on about how unfair it was and how sad I was to my friend who thought I was being very annoying. I couldn't even focus on my studies at school because of how upset I was!
This need for a HEA didn't start recently. I think I've always been like that. When I read romance novels in the past, I used to read the last line of the book just to make sure that there was a HEA. That habit is still present when I read YA/NA books as well. These days before I even buy the book I just go ask people if there's a HEA or I will read a review to make sure that there is one. Honestly, I'm just not emotionally and mentally built for non-HEAs, which is pathetic I know because real life is not always about the HEA, but let me live in my happy bubble! When I ship a couple, I ship them really hard and I can't easily let go and my OTPs are like my babies.
So when an author doesn't end a book well, I'm left feeling like this, sadly :
So in conclusion, yes, a book's ending can ruin the entire book for me even though I enjoyed the rest of it. I will have a tendency to focus on the ending and the rest of the amazingness of the book will simply fade away from my mind, which means I'm constantly wary about starting series these days because I fear the OTP will wind up dead or separated!
How about you readers? How do you feel about a book's ending not living up to your needs? I'm curious to see if you all can handle non-HEAs or if you wind up being messes as I am too!
Let me know in the comments below!
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