Feature & Follow #9

Feature and Follow is a weekly event hosted by AlisonCanRead and Parajunkee. It is a way to meet new bloggers and increase your number of followers.

Q: This Sunday in the U.S. is Mother’s Day, in celebration, what are some of your favorite books with strong mother/child relationships?

One of my biggest complaints in YA books is the lack of a parental figure. It's almost like the parents don't care about their kids, even if they are mentioned in the book. When I think about it, I doubt that I've read a book where the mom is really involved the kid's life.
I recently read Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins. The main character, Anna, is actually adopted and a woman called Pattie looks after her. I, personally, thought that Pattie and Anna shared quite a strong relationship although technically they weren't actual mother and daughter. Pattie was the kind of woman who was constantly in fear of Anna's life and she truly cared about Anna. Anna, too, really loved Pattie because whenever she took a decision, she actually thought about her.

What are your thoughts about this question ? Do you agree that in YA books parents are sort of 'absent' from the children's lives ?

Don't forget to leave a link below !

Happy Friday and Happy Mother's Day to all the book blogging moms in the US in advance! :)


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