Nick's Random Gibberish (29) : 21 Blogger Confessions

Nick's Random Gibberish is a weekly post here at Nick's Book Blog where I, Nick, will talk about random topics from personal posts to discussion posts.

Hi everyone!

I hope you all had a good week. This coming week is my last week home before I head back to university next Sunday. *sad face* I'm going to miss being surrounded by my family. :(

Anyways, today's post was inspired by Nereyda's blogger confessions post. If you haven't read it yet, you should check it out for some honest opinions of certain things within the book community. I started writing down some of the confessions for fun, but the list became long, so I decided to post it. Some of these may seem a little harsh and you may not approve of them, but they are my opinions and this is my blog, so I should be able to post what I want. If you disagree, feel free to comment, letting me know! I won't take offense. :)

So here goes:

#1 I've had to mute a few bloggers on my Twitter because I don't like how much they talk about ARCs and wanting ARCs and won't stop kissing ass to publishers and authors. It's pathetic and comes across as really greedy to me. 

#2 Even though I'm happy with the ARCs I have access to, I still feel ARC envy from time to time.

#3 I dislike it when people randomly name-drop publicists in their tweets, posts etc... It comes across as very tacky and show-offy because it seems like they want the world to know that they are good friends with X or Y publicist. It's great that they want to thank them, but that can be done privately over email. The blogger-publicist relationship used to be very private. I'm not sure why it has changed.

#4 While I may not obsess over my stats like I used to, I still take a look at them from time to time because no matter what, I don't want to be talking to a void. It makes me happy to know that people are reading my content.

#5 I love love love getting comments and I'll feel upset when I don't get my usual amount on some days.

#6 I struggle to fit in this community sometimes. I don't have the time (or the desire) to be active on Twitter and fangirl with everyone and sometimes I feel that I'm missing out on a huge audience because of that. That being said, I'm happy for the few great friends I've made.

#7 I really really hate when people say that they don't have to time to comment on blogs that they enjoy reading and then whine about not getting comments on their posts.

#8 I wish the book blogging community would go back to the state that it was when I first started blogging. It used to be a much happier place than it is now. I hate the pettiness, the drama, the double standards, the greediness that prevails in this community now.

#9 I firmly believe that the book blogging community is a community that allows popular cherished bloggers to get away with most things while simultaneously shunning smaller bloggers for the same things.

#10 Even though some people say they don't like reading reviews anymore, I still love reading them. I like reading them more than any other post.

#11 I don't read Goodreads reviews from non-friends anymore because they are almost always negative and too snarky for my tastes.

#12 I'm not much of a scheduler. I read whatever I'm in the mood for and I usually write my reviews a few days before I'm supposed to post it.

#13 I don't buy a lot of books because I don't have that big of an income and most of it usually just goes towards my savings or food.

#14 Every time I get a new book, I read the last page first. *cue gasps*

#15 Blogging and reading are the only hobbies I have. I'm a truly boring person in real life.

#16 My real life friends and family (other than my sister) have no idea that I'm such a sucker for romance and that I own a book blog. I'm definitely a closeted romantic.

#17 I really really want to go to a book convention/author event one of these days, mostly for the books and to fangirl over my favorite authors.

#18  I want to meet all the wonderful people in my favorite blogs blogroll, especially Nereyda.

#19 I know I write really long reviews and some of you probably get bored reading them, but I have no clue how to stop making them so long.

#20 My real name is not Nick ... or anything close to Nick.

#21 Even though I'm unhappy with a lot in the book blogging community, there's just something that prevents me from ditching it entirely. It's probably thanks to the lovely people I surround myself with.

What about you? Do you have some scandalous blogger confessions to make? Do you agree/disagree with some of mine?
Be sure to let me know in the comments below!


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