Nick's Random Gibberish (18) : Happy Mother's Day - Favorite Book Moms

Nick's Random Gibberish is a weekly post here at Nick's Book Blog where I, Nick, will talk about random topics from personal posts to discussion posts.

Hello lovely readers!

I know I haven't done a Random Gibberish post in a while, mostly because I've been running out of ideas of what to talk about. Since tomorrow is Mother's Day here in the US, I thought I would share with everyone some of my favorite book moms. I also recruited my friends, Danielle and Wendy, to help me out with this post, so some of these books were recommended by them.

I don't know about you all, but my mom is one of my favorite people. Sure, we've had our ups and downs but I love my mom! One of the hardest things about studying abroad is having to be so far away from her and my dad. Thankfully, there's Skype and my mom insists on Skyping me everyday. :) I can't wait to see her in person in less than a month (ALSO HER FOOD - no restaurant beats mom's cooking)!!

While compiling this list, I struggled to find some great moms, mostly because YA books don't have mothers that are a huge part of the story or they have crappy parents. I personally think we need to see more parental figures in YA.

Anyways, here's my list of favorite book moms.

Are some of your favorite book moms featured in my list? Share some of your favorite book moms in the comments below!
And Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful blogging mommies out there! I hope you all have a wonderful day with your loved ones.


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