Monthly Recap : April 2015

Hey everyone!

I hope you had a lovely month! I can't believe how fast time is flying by. I'll be going back home for the summer in about a month and I can't wait to be back home. Remember how I said that I got into 2 graduate schools and I needed help choosing? Well, turns out I'm not going to either of them. I'll be here in Denver itself because I received a full scholarship and a paid teaching assistantship position. It's not exactly what I wanted, but financially, it's the best option for me. Currently, I'm in the process of looking for apartments, and those things are darn expensive. It's a pain and adulting is so hard. :/ Anyways, in terms of books I had a great month. I was in the mood for romance, so I read a ton of Entangled Brazen books.

Here's my reading recap for this month!

Number of books read
You can see a list of all the books I read this past month here.

Highest rating 
5 Stars (I rated 6 books 5 stars this month!)

End of Days by Susan Ee
The Fill-In Boyfriend by Kasie West
The Mistake by Elle Kennedy
Lady Thief & Lion Heart by A.C Gaughen
Changing His Game by Megan Erickson

I was so so excited to read End of Days. If you haven't read this series, you've got to try it out. It's sexy, action-packed and has a bad-ass MC. I also received The Fill-In Boyfriend and I was quick to jump into it. It was the perfect cute book. I also finished the Scarlet series and OMG it was the perfect ending!! The swoons were everything. I also got to read The Mistake and ahhhh! Elle Kennedy writes such fun NA books. I loved it so much. Changing His Game was the perfect book! I love Megan Erickson's writing and this book was HOT!

Lowest rating
2 Stars 
Hold Me Like a Breath by Tiffany Schmidt
A Matter of Heart by Amy Fellner Dominy
Death Marked by Leah Cypess

I was so disappointed with Hold Me Like a Breath. I was looking forward to it, but it just wasn't the book for me. A Matter of Heart could have been such a great book, but it failed to impress me. I listened to Death Marked on audio and while the narrator was fantastic, the plot and characters weren't. :(

Books reviewed 

Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli (5 Stars)
Finding Paris by Joy Preble (3.5 Stars)
Lies I Told by Michelle Zink (4 Stars)
Cold Burn of Magic by Jennifer Estep (4 Stars)
Unrequited by Jen Frederick (4 Stars)
Conspiracy of Blood and Smoke by Anne Blankman (5 Stars)
The Secrets of Attraction by Robin Constantine (4 Stars)
The Remedy by Suzanne Young (4 Stars)
Hold Me Like a Breath by Tiffany Schmidt (2 Stars)
Magonia by Maria Dahvana Headley (3 Stars)
The Mistake by Elle Kennedy (4.5 Stars)
The Fill-In Boyfriend by Kasie West (5 Stars)
Taking What's His by Diane Alberts (4 Stars)
The Summer After You and Me by Jennifer Salvato Doktorski (4 Stars)
Changing His Game by Megan Erickson (5 Stars)

Best read of the month

This is hard but I'm going to for End of Days for YA and Changing His Game for Adult.

Book which surprised me the most

5 to 1 by Holly Bodger

I was so surprised by this book mostly because I didn't think it was possible for me to ever enjoy a verse book. But this one was a short but very powerful read.

Fictional crush of the month

Oh man! This is SO hard. I'm going to go with Austin from Changing His Game. He's my perfect guy. A sweetheart and a nerd (AND he's sexy!). Raffe from End of Days and Rob from the Scarlet series were also pretty swoony!

Three books I'm looking forward to reading next month

Exciting blogging moments

-I found out through Lauren at Love Is Not a Triangle that Mary Weber, author of Storm Siren had mentioned me in her acknowledgements. Guys, this is my FIRST ever acknowledgement and I'm so excited. It means so much to me.
- Buddy reading Nowhere But Here by Katie McGarry with Jessica, Danielle and Wendy was a lot of fun and definitely an exciting blogging moment for me.

Bookish photo 


I saw this on Pinterest the other day and thought it was a creative way to describe book feels!

How about you guys? How was your month? Anything exciting or fun happen to you too?
Let me know in the comments below!


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