Review : Dreamstrider by Lindsay Smith

Summary (from Goodreads)  

Title : Dreamstrider
Author : Lindsay Smith

Publication Date : October 6th 2015
Publisher : Macmillan
Goodreads - Amazon - Barnes & Noble

A high-concept, fantastical espionage novel set in a world where dreams are the ultimate form of political intelligence.

Livia is a dreamstrider. She can inhabit a subject's body while they are sleeping and, for a short time, move around in their skin. She uses her talent to work as a spy for the Barstadt Empire. But her partner, Brandt, has lately become distant, and when Marez comes to join their team from a neighborhing kingdom, he offers Livia the option of a life she had never dared to imagine. Livia knows of no other dreamstriders who have survived the pull of Nightmare. So only she understands the stakes when a plot against the Empire emerges that threatens to consume both the dreaming world and the waking one with misery and rage.

A richly conceived world full of political intrigue and fantastical dream sequences, at its heart Dreamstrider is about a girl who is struggling to live up to the potential before her.

Personal Thoughts

Confession time. I only picked up Dreamstrider because of the lovely cover. I didn't even bother reading the summary. Good thing the book was a blast to read though and totally lived up to that fantastic cover!

When I first started Dreamstrider, I was honestly a little confused. The world building was hazy, and very baffling, especially since this was the first time in my reading experience that I had come across such an interesting concept of dreamwalking. Throughout the book though, the world building became clearer in small doses as we watch the main character, Livia, navigate the story. That being said, there were still parts of it that I wish were more fleshed out so that I had a stronger idea of what was really going on. While the world building itself left me a little dazed, I did enjoy the politics of it. It was engaging and certainly held my attention. Dreamstrider could also be slow at times in the plot, but I never felt like the story itself was boring by any means. There was something about the writing that consumed me through and through and I honestly had a hard time putting the book down. Lindsay Smith's writing captured the atmosphere of her world so well. It was hard to look away. Not to mention, the book had fantastic villains. These were villains that I was never really sure were good or bad, and trying to figure them out was an experience in itself.

The protagonist, Livia, herself was very likeable. While she wasn't exactly a memorable heroine for me, her kindness, sweet nature and selfless attitude spoke to me while I was reading. For a slow book like Dreamstrider, I thought she was the perfect heroine. I think what would have made her really stand out as a character for me would have been the exploration of where she came from and how she came to be the person she was, which was sadly lacking in Dreamstrider. The side characters were also an interesting and diverse bunch, including the love interest, Brandt. They all played an important role in moving the plot forward and I liked how they were given equal importance. Dreamstrider wasn't exactly a romance-centric novel, but I still very much enjoyed the few glimpses of the romance that we got. Livia has always been in love with Brandt, who at first didn't seem to realize it, but when it did dawn on him, we were treated to delightful smoldering kisses. It was sweet and you guys know how quick I am to devour best friends to more romances. Part of me would have loved to have a little bit more of the romance between the two, but I was also happy what the book presented.

Overall, Dreamstrider was a book I enjoyed despite some minor issues with the world building. It had such a unique fantasy world and I recommend reading the book just to experience it. What this book has proved with confidence though is that I need to read more by Lindsay Smith.


Cover : 4/5
Plot : 3/5
Characters : 4/5
Writing : 4/5

**Overall Rating : 3.5/5**

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan for the ARC of Dreamstrider.


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