Blog Tour Stop : Gods of Chaos by Jen McConnel

Summary (from Goodreads)

Title : Gods of Chaos (Red Magic #2)
Author : Jen McConnel
Publication Date : March 31st 2015

Publisher : Month9Books
Goodreads - Amazon - Barnes & Noble

The gods of chaos cannot be trusted.

Since battling her best friend, Darlena’s grip on Red Magic has been shaky. She heads to Scotland after the Winter Solstice in search of another Red Witch.

On a sightseeing excursion with girls from her hostel, Darlena arrives at The Vaults, a mysterious underground city beneath Edinburgh. But there is something there that make Darlena’s instincts go haywire, as she lets loose a defensive burst of Red Magic, putting everyone around her in danger.

If there was ever a time when Darlena needed the help of another Red witch, it was now. But beware the witch who wields Red Magic.

Author Interview 

Hi Jen! I'm excited to have you on the blog for an interview. Your trilogy has different kinds of witches with different magic which I find very interesting. Where did that idea come from?

Lots of places! I’ve always been a fan of global mythology, and I also believe that there’s way more going on in the universe than we have an explanation for. It makes sense to me that magic wouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all, since nothing else in the world really is. Basically, the world of the Red Magic series is a mashup of all kinds of things, both real and imagined.

If you were a witch in the series, what kind of path and magic would you have chosen?

I really like Darlena’s mom, and I find that I relate with her more and more as the series goes on, so I’d have to say that I’d likely choose Green magic. (Although I can’t really garden to save my life…maybe the magic would help with that!)

Your book also features different Gods and Goddesses. Who would you say was your favorite? 

One of my favorites won’t be introduced until book 3, so I don’t want to give too much away! I really loved writing the character of Hades, and, not surprisingly, his wife Persephone is another goddess I enjoyed developing. It was fun to take mythology and then see where the characters wanted to go, and in the case of both Hades and Persephone, they ended up pulling me in a rather different direction than the myth.

In Gods of Chaos we see Darlena in Scotland. Will we see her in another cool location in the final book?

Again, without giving too much away, I can tell you that she’ll be in at least two cool places in the final book; one of them a place I’ve traveled myself, and the other a place I’ve always wanted to go. But no spoilers!! ;)

Finally, I'm going to put you on the spot and ask you a difficult question. Who was your favorite character to write in this series? 

Surprisingly, that’s not a tough question! All my characters are my babies, but for whatever reason, Darlena remains not only my favorite character from this series, but one of my favorite characters out of everything I’ve written so far. I love her sass, her power, and her heart!

Thanks for taking your time to answer these questions, Jen! I can't wait to read Gods of Chaos.

My pleasure!! I hope you enjoy it! ☺

Author Biography 

Jen McConnel first began writing poetry as a child. Since then, her words have appeared in a variety of magazines and journals, including Sagewoman, PanGaia, and The Storyteller (where she won the people’s choice 3rd place award for her poem, “Luna”).

She is also a former reviewer for Voices of Youth Advocates (VOYA), and a proud member of SCBWI, NCWN, and SCWW.

A Michigander by birth, she now lives and writes in the beautiful state of North Carolina. She's a graduate of Western Michigan University, and she also earned her MS in Library Science at Clarion University of Pennsylvania.

When she isn't crafting worlds of fiction, she teaches writing composition at a community college. Once upon a time, she was a middle school teacher, a librarian, and a bookseller, but those are stories for another time.

Follow Jen on Twitter @Jen_McConnel, and visit to learn more.

Author Links:  Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads


Prizes :
- 5 digital copies of Gods of Chaos

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Be sure to check out the other tour stops here.

Thank you to Chapter by Chapter for letting me part of this blog tour.


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