Nick's Random Gibberish (6) : It's my 3 Year Blogoversary ... and Giveaway!

Nick's Random Gibberish is a weekly post here at Nick's Book Blog where I, Nick, will talk about random topics from personal posts to discussion posts.

Hi guys! 

Today's Nick's Random Gibberish will be different in that I'll be talking a little bit about my journey during blogging. As you can tell from the title, as of today, I've been posting for 3 long years. Yep, 3 years. I, myself, can't believe that I have stuck through this hobby for so long, but I'm so proud of what I have accomplished throughout this journey and honestly, as of now, I'm not sure I'll ever stop blogging. 

I started blogging one random December day when I was completely bored and had nothing to do. Before I decided to start my blog, I was stalking a few people around Goodreads and their blogs. If I have to name one specific blog that really pushed me to open my own blog it has to be Wendy's blog, A Cupcake and a Latte, which is unfortunately, no longer in existence. I used to read Wendy's blog every single morning. I looked forward to reading her reviews and discovering more books for my collection. Honestly though, I sincerely regret never striking up a conversation with her or commenting on her blog (I'm so shy!). Anyways, she was such a huge inspiration to me and her blog is one reason why I opened Nick's Book Blog. 

I wouldn't be here without a lot of people's support, so this post is going to be devoted to those people who made Nick's Book Blog what it is. 

First of all, thank you so much to all of YOU readers. Without your page views, I would be rather disappointed and I don't think I would be motivated to blog anymore. It's always surprising to me that there are people out there who are actually reading the stuff write on this blog. I'm a bad writer and I have always been one, so knowing that there are people who still appreciate my thoughts just makes me so happy and makes me feel loved. Thank you guys so much for making me feel appreciated. I LOVE YOU ALL! <3 nbsp="" p="">

There are also some specific people that I HAVE to thank for supporting me throughout the years. 

Firstly, Giselle at Xpresso Reads. Giselle also started blogging around the same time as I did, but I was so intimidated by her because of her popularity. I lurked around her blog for a while until I decided enough was enough and started commenting on her blog. And then she started commenting on my reviews and I thought my life was made ... until she mentioned to someone on Twitter that my blog was one of her favorite and I about died of course. Seriously though, Giselle might seem intimidating, but she's one of the nicest bloggers I know. She is sweet, completely hilarious (I'm in tears every time I talk to her on Twitter) and always cheers me up with her comments. So, thank you, Giselle! Keep being awesome and keep on flipping that hair, you sassy lady! ;) 

Siiri at Little Piece of Imaginations is one of my favorite people EVER. She and I only started talking recently, but we've become such close friends. She's the girl I go to rant, to fangirl, to cry and to share my joy. She is just so amazing. She isn't just an amazing bookish friend, but she's all around amazing friend. She gives me advice about personal stuff and I just love talking to her. She's a teensy bit obsessive (HAHAHA please don't kill me but it's cute when you get all obsessed with Connor!), but she is entirely adorable and she just makes me happy when she goes crazy with her love for Coballoway. I am so grateful for your presence in my life, Siiri. One of my life goals is to meet her in person!! LOVE YOU!!

Source (Shirtless Connor just for you!!)

Nereyda at Mostly YA Book Obsessed is another of my favorite bloggers. I was also super intimidated by her and stalked her for years before I started talking to her, but she's amazing and so funny. She gets my frustrations about a lot of things and she's been super fun to talk to. She's also always introducing me to new books that I enjoy, which instantly makes her awesome! ;) 

Rachel and Jasprit at The Readers Den have also been amazing commenters and friends. I got to know them very early in blogging days and these two ladies are some of the best people that the blogging world has! They not only write amazing reviews, but they are also so awesome with commenting on my reviews. I completely appreciate you and your comments. Jasprit, a shout out to you for also doing buddy reads with me so frequently. It's always fun to read books together with other people and to share thoughts at the same time.

Jenny at Supernatural Snark has been a fantastic person to have gotten to know. She is one the sweetest person I know. She writes amazing reviews, designs fabulous covers and is all around a beautiful person. Whenever I see a comment from her in my inbox, it ALWAYS cheers me up. Thank you for always commenting on my posts. It truly means a lot to me and I hope I'll get to meet you in person one of these days so that we can lament over non-HEAs!

Sam at Realm of Fiction has also always been such a thoughtful commenter. I also love buddy reading with her and discussing everything bookish along with her.  I have know her for a very long time and she is so humble and down-to-earth. I also appreciate all the other random personal lives conversations we've had. I miss you and hope you are doing well!

Rashika at The Social Potato is another of my favorite buddy reader! She is so amazing and I love chatting with her, especially now that she's in the same shoes as I am (foreigner in the US!). It's always fun talking books with you and of course, I'm forever grateful to you for listening to me rant over and over again. You're a keeper of a friend!! :) 

Kim at The Caffeinated Reviewer and Heidi at Rainy Day Ramblings have always cheered me up with their regular comments on the blog. Not only am I impressed by their ability to juggle blogging (by posting EVERY DAY), commenting and replying to everyone and their personal lives, but they are also two of the sweetest ladies in the blogging world. I appreciate their comments and their reviews are up there for me. I'll always pick up a book if it's recommended by them.

I also have to thank Lisa & Becca at Lost in Literature for regularly commenting on my blog and striking up conversations on GR, Ali at My Guilty Obsession, who I have only recently started talking to but who always gets me excited about new books and shares my profound love for Sarah Fine, Christy at Love of Books who writes amazing reviews and forces me to try books that I normally wouldn't, Lauren at Alice Marvels who goes on giant commenting sprees on my blog and always manages to cheer me up, Melissa at I Swim For Oceans, who is one sweet lady who I really do miss seeing around the blogging world, Andrea at The Bookish Babe for always recommending awesome adult romance novels, Maja at The Nocturnal Library who writes fantastic reviews, comments and is always recommending the best books there are out there, Lily at Lily's Book Blog for being an awesome Twitter buddy, Faye at The Social Potato who always manages to leave a very lengthy and thoughtful comment on my reviews, Danielle at Love at First Page who spoils books for me whenever I ask her to, Candace at Candace's Book Blog for also being an amazing commenter and sharing new books that I've never heard of, and Glass and Tanja at Ja čitam, a ti? for leaving awesome comments and for being such fun people!

Anyways, to end this post, I'm doing a giveaway. Here are the details: 

Prizes : 
2 winners can win a $15 book from The Book Depository each.

Rules : 
- Be a follower of the blog 
- No cheating 
- Giveaway will last until January 6th 2015
- Winners will be announced via email and they must respond within 48 hours.

WINNERS : Margaret D. and Pat M.
Winners have already been emailed.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you and have a lovely weekend everyone!


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