Stacking The Shelves #16 & Weekly Recap

Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

Book Haul

The Unloved by Jennifer Snyder

The Wild Ones by M.Leighton

Throne of Glass by Sarah J Mass

Survive by Alex Morel

Rift by Andrea Cremer

Hello everyone! :)

I hope you guys had a great week! Time seems to be flying so fast these days. I didn't get a lot of books this week, compared to last week, but I'm very happy with my haul.
First of all, I got The Unloved from Enchanted Book Promotions. The Unloved is one book I've been pining to read ever since I saw the cover reveal on Amy's @ Book Loving Mom blog. The New Adult Genre is a genre that I'm really enjoying lately. I managed to snag a spot on the blog tour for that book. My tour stop in on September 3rd. The Wild Ones has been popping all over my blogger reading list, so I thought I needed to have a copy to see what it was all about. I couldn't not get a copy of Throne of Glass when nearly everyone I know gave it a 4 stars or 5 stars rating! Finally, I got Rift thanks to Natalia @ Dazzling Reads. She wrote an amazing review for that book!

Big Thanks to Enchanted Book Promotions and Jennifer Snyder for the review copy.

Weekly Recap

Here's a recap of what was on my blog this week :



I've joined the Bout of Books Read-a-thon for this coming week. You can see more of my goals here.

That's it for me this week. I hope you guys had a fruitful week in books as well! :)
Don't forget to leave links to your book hauls and I'll make sure to stop by!
Happy reading! :)


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