Blog Tour Stop : Hollowed by Kelley York
Summary (from Goodreads)
Title : Hollowed
Author : Kelley York
Publisher : Self-Published
Publication Date :
Goodreads - Amazon
All 18-year-old Briar Greyson wanted was to figure out this whole living-away-from-your-parents thing. Apartment, steady job, cool roommate? Check. Noah, her adorable (albeit elusive) boyfriend? Check. Everything in the life of Briar was pretty good.
Then she and her roommate are attacked on their way home one night. Briar wasn't supposed to survive.
Instead, according to the two guys who saved her, she's turning into the things that attacked her: a vampire. Totally crazy and Not Okay. Now Noah's secrets are coming to light, and he wants Briar dead. Then there are the vampires who attacked Briar to lure out her sister.
Her sister...who died years ago.
(Didn't she?)
The city's body count is rising, and Briar wants to help put a stop to it. But first, she has to figure out who the real enemy is: the vampires, the boy she loves, or the sister she thought she'd lost.
Guest Post
When an author is writing guest posts for a blog tour, you get a lot of guest post topics on...well, writing. Which makes sense, doesn't it? So once in awhile, getting a request to write about something that isn't writing is a nice breather.
And my topic for this post involved video games. Which is even better. I'm in my late twenties. This means I grew up in the years of the original Nintendo system. (I do have vague recollection of my cousins and I playing on their Atari.) I would wake up on the weekends to the sounds of Dad playing Super Mario or Castlevania. I didn't do a lot of playing, because I was little and not very good, but I loved to watch him. I coveted that NES. And the Super NES because, WOW, LOOK AT THOSE GRAPHICS. (You're free to laugh.) I never got to be big into video games until after I moved out on my own, though. After the NES, my Dad wasn't around and we didn't have any more game systems until I was practically out of high school. (Then, it was for my step-dad and not for me. Nevermind I'd been asking for a PS2 for years. Ahem.) It helps that my wife is a big gamer, too, and we have similar tastes in the titles we like. Games on our shelves include Kingdom Hearts, Silent Hill and Resident Evil, a fair chunk of Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry, Suikoden, and the Tales of series. But I'm getting vaguely off-track. I'm supposed to share what my favorite is out of them all. Which is a tricky question, because how do you choose? That's like saying choose your favorite movie, book, or song in the history of EVER. It's impossible! But I can narrow it down pretty close.
I have several faves in the Final Fantasy series, but XIII is the first that comes to mind. Lightning is my top female protagonist I've ever encountered, and I the entire cast of characters. Not to mention the music is gorgeous, and it's graphically one of the most stunning games I've ever played. The trailer still makes me all giddy.
Admittedly, I've only played one other Tales of game (Vesperia's predecessor, Abyss). I've been hooked on Vesperia for a few months now and I'm on my third playthrough, determined to get 100% on the entire game. I can't even pinpoint what it is I love about it, besides Yuri, the main protagonist. (If Lightning is my favorite female protagonist, then Yuri is my favorite male.) The plot is solid, albeit didn't always make sense until my second playthrough. I love the battle system, and the characters. I think a lot of games these days are so rich in plot and character development, that we can learn from them just as we can learn from watching a movie or reading a book to better our own writing. Particularly when you're going second playthroughs of a game, and you're noticing little things planted there foreshadowing future events. Are you a gamer? What games do you enjoy?
Title : Hollowed
Author : Kelley York
Publisher : Self-Published
Publication Date :
Goodreads - Amazon
All 18-year-old Briar Greyson wanted was to figure out this whole living-away-from-your-parents thing. Apartment, steady job, cool roommate? Check. Noah, her adorable (albeit elusive) boyfriend? Check. Everything in the life of Briar was pretty good.
Then she and her roommate are attacked on their way home one night. Briar wasn't supposed to survive.
Instead, according to the two guys who saved her, she's turning into the things that attacked her: a vampire. Totally crazy and Not Okay. Now Noah's secrets are coming to light, and he wants Briar dead. Then there are the vampires who attacked Briar to lure out her sister.
Her sister...who died years ago.
(Didn't she?)
The city's body count is rising, and Briar wants to help put a stop to it. But first, she has to figure out who the real enemy is: the vampires, the boy she loves, or the sister she thought she'd lost.
Hi guys!
Today, I'm really excited to be part of the Hollowed blog tour. For my tour, I'll be sharing with you a guest post from Kelley. If you read Kelley's author biography below, you'll see what a huge fan of video games she is, so I thought I would ask her to share with us some of her favorite video games.
I hope you guys enjoy it! :)
Guest Post
When an author is writing guest posts for a blog tour, you get a lot of guest post topics on...well, writing. Which makes sense, doesn't it? So once in awhile, getting a request to write about something that isn't writing is a nice breather.
And my topic for this post involved video games. Which is even better. I'm in my late twenties. This means I grew up in the years of the original Nintendo system. (I do have vague recollection of my cousins and I playing on their Atari.) I would wake up on the weekends to the sounds of Dad playing Super Mario or Castlevania. I didn't do a lot of playing, because I was little and not very good, but I loved to watch him. I coveted that NES. And the Super NES because, WOW, LOOK AT THOSE GRAPHICS. (You're free to laugh.) I never got to be big into video games until after I moved out on my own, though. After the NES, my Dad wasn't around and we didn't have any more game systems until I was practically out of high school. (Then, it was for my step-dad and not for me. Nevermind I'd been asking for a PS2 for years. Ahem.) It helps that my wife is a big gamer, too, and we have similar tastes in the titles we like. Games on our shelves include Kingdom Hearts, Silent Hill and Resident Evil, a fair chunk of Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry, Suikoden, and the Tales of series. But I'm getting vaguely off-track. I'm supposed to share what my favorite is out of them all. Which is a tricky question, because how do you choose? That's like saying choose your favorite movie, book, or song in the history of EVER. It's impossible! But I can narrow it down pretty close.
I have several faves in the Final Fantasy series, but XIII is the first that comes to mind. Lightning is my top female protagonist I've ever encountered, and I the entire cast of characters. Not to mention the music is gorgeous, and it's graphically one of the most stunning games I've ever played. The trailer still makes me all giddy.
Admittedly, I've only played one other Tales of game (Vesperia's predecessor, Abyss). I've been hooked on Vesperia for a few months now and I'm on my third playthrough, determined to get 100% on the entire game. I can't even pinpoint what it is I love about it, besides Yuri, the main protagonist. (If Lightning is my favorite female protagonist, then Yuri is my favorite male.) The plot is solid, albeit didn't always make sense until my second playthrough. I love the battle system, and the characters. I think a lot of games these days are so rich in plot and character development, that we can learn from them just as we can learn from watching a movie or reading a book to better our own writing. Particularly when you're going second playthroughs of a game, and you're noticing little things planted there foreshadowing future events. Are you a gamer? What games do you enjoy?
Doesn't Kelley sound like a kick-ass girl?
Trust me, her books are as awesome as her!
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