Review : Shine by Jerri Smith-Ready
In this dramatic conclusion to the Shade trilogy, Aura and Zachary’s relationship sizzles as the secrets of the Shift are revealed.
Life can change in an instant, and no one understands that better than Aura. It’s been almost a year since her boyfriend tragically died. She’s finally letting go of Logan’s violet-hued ghost, but not her search to uncover the truth about her past.
As the first in a generation that can see ghosts, Aura is convinced she has a connection to the Shift. She’s trusted Zachary, ever patient and ever by her side, with all that she knows. But when the government threatens his life in an attempt to learn Aura’s secrets, she will stop at nothing to protect herself and the one she loves...even if that means betraying her own heart.
Life can change in an instant, and no one understands that better than Aura. It’s been almost a year since her boyfriend tragically died. She’s finally letting go of Logan’s violet-hued ghost, but not her search to uncover the truth about her past.
As the first in a generation that can see ghosts, Aura is convinced she has a connection to the Shift. She’s trusted Zachary, ever patient and ever by her side, with all that she knows. But when the government threatens his life in an attempt to learn Aura’s secrets, she will stop at nothing to protect herself and the one she loves...even if that means betraying her own heart.
Personal Thoughts
Shift, the sequel to Shade, was an utter disappointment for me because I really did enjoy Shade. I was a little wary to start the final book in the trilogy, Shine, but I still decided to give it a shot. I'm happy to say that Shine was a vast improvement from the disaster that was Shift.
**SPOILER ALERT** - If you haven't read the first 2 books, please don't read the following paragraph. Just skip to the 3rd paragraph.
After Aura leaves Zachary at the airport, she goes home and keeps tracking his flight to Scotland via the internet, worried sick. Soon, she receives a phone call from Megan who announces to her that Flight 346, Zachary's flight, has crashed. Shortly after, Zachary sends her text letting her know that he was taken by the DMP before the flight took off because he was seen chatting with Logan's ghost. What ensues is that Zach is isolated and his life is in grave danger, which ultimately makes Aura extremely furious and frustrated.
I was incredibly irked by all of the characters in the previous book. In this book however, I fell in love with all of them all over again. The beautifully crafted characters that I had grown to love in Shade, were finally back. I've always admired Aura and the astonishing strength that she possessed. In Shine, we get to see her strength grow even further. Her loyalty and fierce protectiveness over Zach was clearly visible. The girl was ready to really fight hard to save him and I loved her for that. Even when she ended up being separated from Zach, she proved to be a courageous and strong-minded girl capable of making smart decisions. Although she was doused with grief over their separation, her sorrow never turned to a state of depression where she couldn't do anything but cry. In fact, I'd say that her grief made her even more powerful and determined to take revenge on the DMP and not let anything happen to Zach. I truly admired and loved this fire that was previously concealed inside of her, but sprouted out once her boyfriend faced danger. Zachary didn't appear until a few pages, but he,too, had really grown throughout the series. His experience with the DMP had left me in a devastating state. The love he had for Aura was even more eminent in Shine. Even when he was the one suffering, he kept getting worried for her. Technically, Logan was not present in the book in a physical sense, but his memories and sayings lingered throughout the story in a way that showed that he hadn't been forgotten and he was still very much appreciated. He ,indirectly, was of great help to Zach and Aura and I was very happy to see that Jerri Smith-Ready didn't allow her characters to eradicate Logan from their thoughts even though he had passed on. Now, the few characters that I wasn't happy with were Dylan, Megan and Mickey. I kind of felt like they weren't very well-developed and they were left in the side-lines. Also, I'm kind of mad with Dylan. I honestly didn't approve of what he did at the end even if everyone else in the book was okay with it.
Plot-wise, I was very satisfied. The entire mystery surrounding the Shine and Newgrange was thoroughly explained by the author so that the reader is not left in the dark, disgruntled by the outcome of the story. I honestly felt like I got the closure I want in all my final books. Everything was wrapped up beautifully and I was left feeling completely happy with the ending. At first, the pace was quite slow and I found it a little difficult to get into the book, but around the middle there was a lot more action and thus, things started picking up. Jerri-Smith Ready threw some unexpected events here and there that surprised in a positive way.
I simply adored the romance in Shine. Aura and Zachary took a step forward in their relationship this time and the bond that they shared felt genuine and very heart-warming. They got physical in this book and I thought Jerri Smith-Ready dealt with those hot,but sweet scenes in a tactful manner. At the end of the book, Aura and Zachary were closer than they had ever been and I was glad that they had each other to stand by each after everything they had to endure. Jerri Smith-Ready is undoubtedly a very skilled author. Her writing, like in the previous books, is simply beautiful. Shine , in general, was an emotionally-wearing read, that left me utterly exhausted after experiencing a rush of feelings.
I simply adored the romance in Shine. Aura and Zachary took a step forward in their relationship this time and the bond that they shared felt genuine and very heart-warming. They got physical in this book and I thought Jerri Smith-Ready dealt with those hot,but sweet scenes in a tactful manner. At the end of the book, Aura and Zachary were closer than they had ever been and I was glad that they had each other to stand by each after everything they had to endure. Jerri Smith-Ready is undoubtedly a very skilled author. Her writing, like in the previous books, is simply beautiful. Shine , in general, was an emotionally-wearing read, that left me utterly exhausted after experiencing a rush of feelings.
Shine, as the final book of a trilogy, was an outstanding conclusion according to me. The charming characters, the intriguing concept and the formidable romance will ,beyond a shadow of doubt, appeal to a lot readers craving for a good paranormal romance series with a unique story line. Shine was a definite winner for me !
Cover : 4/5
Plot : 4/5
Characters : 4/5
Writing : 4/5
Plot : 4/5
Characters : 4/5
Writing : 4/5
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