Wicked Wildfire Read-a-Thon 2014 Goals

Hello everyone!

This week, I've decided to participate in the Wicked Wildfire Read-a-Thon. Read-a-thons are always a lot of fun for me, so when I saw the sign ups, I was quick to sign up for it. I've been looking for one for some time now. 

On this post, I'll be giving updates about my progress on a day to day basis. 


Here are the books I plan to get through during the read-a-thon:

If I somehow manage to get through these 7 books, I'll be targeting the following books:

Phew! It's definitely a little bit overachieving for a reader like me, but I hope the read-a-thon gives me the motivation to finish these. 


Day 1 
Started Gates of Thread and Stone
65 % done with Gates of Thread and Stone 

Day 2
Finished Gates of Thread and Stone
Started Free to Fall
65% done with  Free to Fall

Day 3
Finished Free to Fall
Started Teaching Roman 
50% done with Teaching Roman 

Day 4
Finished Teaching Roman
Started Can't Look Away
Finished Can't Look Away

Day 5
Started Deliverance
Started Thrive 
50 % done with Deliverance 32 % done with Thrive

 Day 6
Finished with Deliverance
Finished with Thrive 

Started Sugar on the Edge
10% done with Sugar on the Edge

Day 8 
Finished with Sugar on the Edge
Started Dangerous Boys
Finished with Dangerous Boys

Day 9
Started Sway

Thank you to My Shelf Confessions for hosting this read-a-thon. Check out the post to get more information about the read-a-thon.


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