Book Haul & Weekly Recap #64

Book Haul is weekly feature here at Nick's Book Blog inspired by Stacking the Shelves by Tynga's Review and The Sunday Post by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

Book Haul

Dangerous Boys by Abigail Haas

The Aftermath by Jen Alexander

Lailah by Nikki Kelly

Dissonance by Erika O'Rourke

One Past Midnight by Jessica Shirvington

Hello everyone!

I hope you all had a lovely week. I had a decent week myself. I caught up with some friends from high school and it was nice hearing about their stories abroad and sharing my own. I also discovered a new cafe in my town with delicious cakes and crepes, which is bad for me. I've already been there twice this week. There's no controlling me when it comes to cakes!

I also got some gorgeous books that I'm excited about. Abigail Haas contacted me about Dangerous Boys. Apparently they aren't publishing it in the US because Dangerous Girls was unable to sell many copies, which makes me incredibly sad because Dangerous Girls was a BRILLIANT YA mystery book. Abigail is self-publishing Dangerous Boys on the same UK publication date, so be sure to grab copies of the book. I already devoured the book and loved every instant of it!

I got The Aftermath from NetGalley and I'm quite excited. I'm not a gamer as such, but it sounds like such a cool concept for a book. I didn't realize that I had requested Lailah, but the approval came this week in my email and I'm curious to see what it's all about. How creepy is that cover though?

I bought Dissonance and One Past Midnight because I've been hearing some great things about both books from blogger friends. I'm looking forward to reading both. 

Thank you to Abigail Haas, NetGalley, Harlequin Teen and Macmillan for the e-ARCs. 

Weekly Recap 

I hope you all have an amazing week ahead!
Happy reading!

Don't forget to leave links to your hauls as well so I can come visit you! :)


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