Review : Ask Again Later by Liz Czukas

Summary (from Goodreads)

Title : Ask Again Latet

Author : Liz Czukas
Publication Date : March 11th 2014
Publisher : Harper Teen
Goodreads - Amazon - Barnes & Noble

Despite what her name might suggest, Heart has zero interest in complicated romance. So when her brilliant plan to go to prom with a group of friends is disrupted by two surprise invites, Heart knows there's only one drama-free solution: flip a coin.

Heads: The jock. He might spend all night staring at his ex or throw up in the limo, but how bad can her brother's best friend really be?

Tails: The theater geek...with a secret. What could be better than a guy who shares all Heart's interests--even if he wants to share all his feelings?

Heart's simple coin flip has somehow given her the chance to live out both dates. But where her prom night ends up might be the most surprising thing of all...

Personal Thoughts

I was going through a rough day when I decided to pick up Ask Again Later. I was angry, sad and just wanted a book to make me feel like there are good things out there. Ask Again Later was the ultimate perfect book to get me out of my sour mood because it managed to bring out a smile on my face the entire time I was reading it. If I had to briefly describe Ask Again Later, I would say that it's Pivot Point with a prom!

We meet Heart, who is an adorable and entirely loveable young girl who gets asked to prom by 2 different guys. Heart was an easy character to connect with because she was so genuine. I loved the sarcastic side she possessed and she said some pretty hilarious things throughout the book. She's also super awkward times, which reminded me a lot of myself, because I was pretty much like her in high school. Schroeder was the one I fell head over heels in love with him. The guy was so adorable and I loved his organ nicknames for Heart. He does act a little hot and cold throughout the book, but he's always there to support Heart when she needs him to.

The plot was so much fun you guys. It's one of those reads that you need to go in not expecting anything heavy and if you do, you will most definitely enjoy it. I was a bit worried with the whole idea of going to prom with the 2 guys, because I thought there might be a love triangle, but thankfully, there wasn't any and I knew very early on who Heart had feelings for. Out of the 2 story-lines, I  have to say I preferred, Ryan's, only because unlike Troy, he was sweet and caring and was very fun to be around. Troy could be a bit of a douche and I never warmed up to him. I also had issues with Heart's older brother, because he was kind of annoying and at times idiotic, but I think that was how the author wanted to portray him.

In the end, this was a cute read that I recommend if you're looking for something light, fun and enjoyable in between heavier and longer books.

Cover : 4/5
Plot : 4/5
Characters : 4/5
Writing : 4/5

Thank you to Harper Teen and Edelweiss for the e-ARC of Ask Again Later.


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