Blog Tour Stop : Paradox by A.J Paquette

The Paradox Blog Tour is hosted by Rockstar Book Tours.

Hi guys!

It's a week full of blog tour stops for me this week! Today on the blog, the Paradox blog tour stops and A.J Paquette is here to answer some interview questions. You can also scroll below to check out a giveaway for a chance to win 3 ARCs of Paradox! Make sure to check out the other tour stops for this blog tour right here! Enjoy!

Summary (from Goodreads)

Title : Paradox
Author : A.J Paquette
Publication Date : June 25th 2013
Publisher : Random House Books for Young Readers
Goodreads - The Book Depository

Ana only knows her name because of the tag she finds pinned to her jumpsuit. Waking in the featureless compartment of a rocket ship, she opens the hatch to discover that she has landed on a barren alien world. Instructions in her pocket tell her to observe and to survive, no doubt with help from the wicked-looking knives she carries on her belt. But to what purpose?

Meeting up with three other teens--one boy seems strangely familiar--Ana treks across the inhospitable landscape, occasionally encountering odd twists of light that carry glimpses of people back on Earth. They're working on some sort of problem, and the situation is critical. What is the connection between Ana's mission on this planet and the crisis back on Earth, and how is she supposed to figure out the answer when she can't remember anything?

Author Interview

Hi A.J ! Welcome to Nick's Book Blog!

1. First question, describe your new book in 10 adjectives.
Thanks for having me, Nick! Let’s see, 10 adjectives to describe PARADOX? I’d have to say: futuristic, tense, spare, surprising (I hope J), exciting, thought-provoking, dark (at times), plot-twisting, fast-paced, bittersweet.

2. What made you want to write a post-apocalyptic novel? 
PARADOX began less with the desire to write a specific type of novel, and more a discovery of this intriguing and perplexing main character. Once Ana came into my head and I started to think about and piece together her world, the rest of the story gradually took shape around her and became its own fully realized journey—with, as it turned out, something of a post-apocalyptic bent.

3. If you were to travel to an alien planet, what trait of yours would be the most beneficial according to you?
Oooh, good question! Maybe my analytical nature? I’m always trying to understand everything around me, find patterns and cause-and-effect logic for what’s going on. So I’d like to think that would be a help in figuring out where I’m going, what I’m supposed to do, and hopefully how to survive while I’m doing it.

4. Which character was the hardest for you to write and why?
I don’t know about the hardest, but Ana, my main character, was definitely the one I had to spend the most time on. While the other characters are important and play their role in the story, Ana is the one we really get to know most deeply, and she is the one I had to really work to get to know and fully flesh out. She’s also something of a puzzle, since she begins the book with no memory of who she is, how she has come to be in this place, or what she is meant to do while there. Her memories are a blank slate, but she does still have a lot of what makes her who she is locked away inside her. As an author, finding that balance between what to reveal, and when, and how made for some tense and exciting writing sessions!

5. What were your musical inspirations for Paradox?
I’m actually not one of those writers who can listen to music while I work. I tend to pretty much put my head down and focus fully on my output when I’m writing, so I don’t have an answer for you here. Sorry J

6. What's your current favorite post-apocalyptic novel?
I recently read FOR DARKNESS SHOWS THE STARS, by Diana Peterfreund, which is not immediately post-apocalypse but features a futuristic world in the process of recovery after collapse. Really well done and a fabulous read!

7. To finish up, tell us something fun about yourself that readers don't know!
Hmmm… I bet you don’t know what I had for breakfast this morning: cinnamon toast with my favorite blackberry jam, and a banana. (For the record, trying the jam with cinnamon toast was an experiment. It failed.)

Thanks for being here, A.J!

Author Biography

A.J. Paquette has been writing stories since early childhood. She and her sister would spend hours creating masterpieces of stapled paper and handwritten words, complete with pen-and-ink covers and boxed illustrations.
The road to publication was long and winding, peppered with many small successes including: a variety of national magazine publications, being a 2005 PEN New England Susan P. Bloom Discovery Award honoree, and receiving the 2008 SCBWI’s Susan Landers Glass Scholarship Award, for the book that would later become Nowhere Girl. Her first picture book, The Tiptoe Guide to Tracking Fairies, was published in 2009.
She now lives with her husband and two daughters in the Boston area, where she continues to write books for children and young adults. She is also an agent with the Erin Murphy Literary Agency.


Prizes :
- 3 ARCs of Paradox (US/CAN only)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Doesn't this book sound like it's pretty much epic? This is totally something I would want to read!
What about you?
Be sure to let me know in the comments below!

Thank you to Rockstar Book Tours for letting me take part in this blog tour. Be sure to check out their page


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