Monthly Recap : August 2015

Hi everyone!

Where on earth is the freaking time flying by? I can't believe we're already in September and are nearing the end of the year. It's crazy how fast time flies! 

I'm back in the US now that my summer vacation is finally over. I miss being home and being surrounded by my family. I don't know why, but leaving was very hard for me this time around. My mom had to physically pry me away from my sister so that I could go to my gate. :(
My trip back home went smoothly. I was VERY mad about being given a middle seat on my 14 hours flight. I hate sitting in between people on flights, especially long ones because people constantly wake you up when they want to go to the bathroom and I'm always afraid I'll be seated next to someone creepy. So I was upset and wouldn't stop whining about it to my parents on the phone until boarding time. BUT then, the agent at the gate told me I got upgraded to Business class and I was OVER the moon and I about jumped on the guy and hugged him (He was cute too so I should have done it). This is what Emirates' Business class seats are like:

Image Source

And these seats extend into a full bed and they provide you with fancy mattresses and pillows, so yeah I definitely slept like a baby (12 hours!). So my 14 hours flight went pretty well as you can imagine.

I moved in to my new apartment too on Tuesday. I'm really liking it so far. It's bigger than my older apartment and I have a porch and all. And there lots of places on the property to just lie down and relax. I also had orientation as a Masters' student on Thursday. I met my entering class, and then there was a barbecue hosted by my department. I'm really excited and nervous to be starting off this new journey!

I didn't read as many books in August as I did in July but it was a decent month in books. My reading is going to significantly decrease now that I have to work on my research project and TA classes, but I'm trying to get myself motivated to read.

Here's my reading recap for this month!

Number of books read
You can see a list of all the books I read this past month here.

Highest rating 
5 Stars (I rated 2 books 5 stars)

Yay for 2 Sarah Fine books! If you don't already know this, Sarah Fine is one of my ALL-TIME favorite authors!

Lowest rating

2 Stars

I hate not liking books, and I was excited to read all of these but they just didn't work for me. I hated all the characters in Anne & Henry, disliked the clinical writing in Dream Things True, hated slut shaming in With a Twist and thought Before We Were Strangers was overrated. BOO!

Best read of the month

Undoubtedly Of Dreams and Rust! This book was everything that I wanted out of the sequel and it was SO SO romantic!

Book which surprised me the most

I was very very excited to read this book because just look at that cover! Plus a Chinese setting and I was pretty much in! But wow, this book surprised me by just how much I adored it. I loved everything about it, especially the beautiful writing and the friendships.

Fictional crush of the month

Melik from Of Dreams and Rust and Brent from Dirty Talk are the men of my dreams this past month! Both these guys were super swoony!

Three books I'm looking forward to reading next month

Exciting blogging moments

I don't think anything really exciting happened to me this month, but I may be blanking out!

Bookish photo


How about you guys? How was your month? Anything exciting or fun happen to you too?Let me know in the comments below!


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