Nick's Random Gibberish (22) : My Summer Plans - Summer of Series Goals + Announcing the Reading Through The Summer Event

Nick's Random Gibberish is a weekly post here at Nick's Book Blog where I, Nick, will talk about random topics from personal posts to discussion posts.

Hi everyone!

I'm finally back home after a whole year. As many of you also know, I graduated from college. The next step now is to get my Masters which I'll be starting in the fall. But before that, I have the summer and I'm excited to get some fun things going on for my reading and for blogging.

Here are two major plans I have.

I'm excited to take part in the Summer of Series event hosted by Danielle @ Love at First Page and Lili @ Lili's Reflections.
I have been planning on tackling more series and older books this year and I've been doing a pretty decent job at it, but there are few series that I have saved to read during the summer.

The first series I want to try is :

I already started this one and I'll be reading book 3 soon, but OMG! I don't know why I waited SO freaking long to attempt this series. Kate Daniels is badass and I'm pretty sure I'm in love with her. Also, Curran! SWOON. This guy is total alpha and makes me want to go dunk into a pool filled with ice every time he's on page. Yeah, it's safe to say I'm in love with this series and I hear it only gets better so I can't wait. My major reason for adding this is my fellow bloggers. This series is a favorite of some of my favorite bloggers and if they say they loved it, I know I will too.

The second series I want to read this summer is :

I've heard some amazing things about this series and now that the final book is out, I'm excited to binge read (which is the best way to read series, in my opinion!). I love these covers so much and they are historical books so I have no doubt I'll enjoy them.

There are other series I want to try out, but these are my main priorities.

Image source

Secondly, I'm planning on hosting a one week summer event from July 6th to July 13th. The main part of the event is a one week readathon. I love readathons and they always motivate me to push through my TBR. I was looking to join some during the summer, but I couldn't find any, so I thought it would be fun to host one of my own. It's also going to feature some giveaways and I'm also thinking about doing a twitter chat. I want to make it a fun feature where bloggers get some reading done and get to know each other.

If any of you are interested in joining, please sign up using the linky below and share with your friends. I really want to make this a fun event for every blogger joining. Also, if you want to help out with the event in the form of giveaway challenges or if you have ideas for a Twitter chat questions, please email me at

I will have a different post up closer to the start of the event again with all the details finalized.

I hope you all have a fun summer as well! And let me know in the comments below if you'll be joining me in the Reading Through The Summer Event.


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