Blog Tour Stop : The Midnight Spell by Rhiannon Frater and Kody Boye

The Midnight Spell Blog Tour was organized by Giselle @ Xpresso Tours.
Hi guys!

Welcome to my tour stop for the The Midnight Spell Blog Tour! As part of my tour stop, I have an interview with Kody and Rhiannon. There's also a great giveaway if you scroll down the page!

Summary (from Goodreads)

Title : The Midnight Spell
Authors : Rhiannon Frater and Kody Boye
Publisher : Self-Published

Publication Date : February 28th 2013
Goodreads - Amazon

Adam and Christy have been best friends since kindergarten. Always the perpetual outsiders in their small town in Texas, they’ve always had to deal with nasty comments from their classmates. Adam is called “gay” while Christy is called “witch.”

On both counts the bullies are right.

Their junior year in high school seems destined to be the same old same old until Christy decides to cast a love spell for Adam at the midnight hour. The next day an alluring and mysterious new boy enrolls at school and sets hearts a flutter, including Adam’s. Meanwhile, Christy’s mad crush on the handsome Ian seems to be going nowhere fast. Struggling to capture the heart of Ian while trying to come into her full witch powers is tough enough, but when a great evil arrives in town that threatens everything they hold dear, she realizes that finding a boyfriend is the least of her and Adam’s worries.

Soon Adam, Christy, their potential love interests, and their good friends Drifter and Olivia, will have to battle a force of darkness that has killed in their town before and will again.

Author Interview
My first question to you two, describe your new book in a few words.

Rhiannon: Hilarious, poignant and sometimes scary!

Kody: Fun. Fantastical. Outrageous. Bold.

So, what was it like to collaborate with each other? Would you do it again?

Rhiannon: I was adamant I would never collaborate with anyone. I hated the idea
of losing that much control over the story. Yet, when Kody and I brainstormed
The Midnight Spell into existence, I just couldn’t resist co-authoring it with him.
Of course, it really helped that we’re real life friends, we wrote the book while
sitting across from each other at my dining room table, and we could sort things
out right away if there was an issue. I would never do this sort of thing with
anyone else, but I would definitely write another Midnight Spell novel with Kody if
the demand for a sequel is there.

Kody: I wasn’t much of a big collaborator. My last major experience resulted in
the person going nuts (literally,) slandering me online, stealing my work in the
collaboration and even attempting to publish my work on Kindle (which Amazon
promptly took down.) The other minor ones faded out and were never finished.
With Rhiannon, though, it was much easier, especially since we were able to do it
face-to-face. I would definitely do it again.

Which of the characters in this book would you say was the most fun to write?

Rhiannon: I loved writing for Christy. She was hilarious. But I also really enjoyed
Olivia and Callie, the cat. I had laugh out loud moments writing for them.

Kody: Olivia and Adam’s mom, Ashley, were amazing for me, mostly because
with both you could play off their off-the-wall humor, which I’m fairly fond of.

Rhiannon, I read from you biography that you traveled a lot for your job. What
would you say was your favorite place you traveled to?

Rhiannon: I used to travel a lot around the state of Texas, so it’s hard for me to
pick one place I liked the most. I really like the Texas Hill Country and East Texas
is really beautiful.

In my personal travels, I would have to say my favorite place was Rome. I really
loved Rome. I wanted to never leave. A close second is Venice.

Kody, you're such a young author! When did you realize that you were
interested in writing and what other hobbies do you have apart from writing?

Kody: I was seven when I started writing, thanks to a writing assignment given
out by a teacher. My interest faded away until I was about eleven/twelve, then I
started back into it again. I was determined at fourteen to become published and
ended up getting my first acceptance about six months after that.

Other hobbies of mine include gushing over animals (I’m a huge animal person
and anyone on my Facebook will see me posting animal pictures/videos
constantly,) gaming (I’m a big PC gamer thanks to Rhiannon and her husband
now,) science (I enjoy reading about the aspects of it more than the technical
side,) and nature. I have a few other odd fascinations too, like extreme plastic
surgeries, body modification (tattooing, piercing, etc.,) and have a huge love of
surreal film.

Finally, Rhiannon, tell us something fun about Kody that readers out there
don't know and Kody, you do the same!

Rhiannon: When Kody first moved to Texas he only ate cheeseburgers. I kid you
not. He really did. It was horrible. We’d go to a restaurant and that’s what he’d
order. I remember we were on the San Antonio Riverwalk at a Mexican Restaurant
and he scoured the menu for a cheeseburger. He was about to give up and get
something else when my traitorous nephew pointed out that one item written in
Spanish was a cheeseburger.

I am happy to say that Kody now eats another type of food: tacos. Which are
basically Mexican cheeseburgers.

Kody: Rhiannon’s obsession with Betsey Johnson anything is horrible, to
the point where if I walk into a store with her and she sees anything that even
remotely resembles Betsey, she stops and snatches it up. Her obsession
borderlines hoarding. She once had so many purses in her office (lined atop her
cabinets) that her cat started using them as beds, and as such is now addicted
to Betsey Johnson (she will crawl on any Betsey Johnson bag, get in any Betsey
Johnson box, try to take any piece of Betsey Johnson jewelry without question
when she sees it, and only when it’s Betsey Johnson.) She cries when Rhiannon
takes them away.

Author Biographies

Rhiannon Frater:
Rhiannon.jpgRhiannon Frater is the award-winning author of the As the World Dies trilogy (The First Days, Fighting to Survive, Siege,) and the author of three other books: the vampire novels Pretty When She Dies and The Tale of the Vampire Bride and the young-adult zombie novel The Living Dead Boy and the Zombie Hunters. Inspired to independently produce her work from the urging of her fans, she published The First Days in late 2008 and quickly gathered a cult following. She won the Dead Letter Award back-to-back for both The First Days and Fighting to Survive, the former of which the Harrisburg Book Examiner called ‘one of the best zombie books of the decade.’ Rhiannon is currently represented by Hannah Gordon of the Foundry + Literary Media agency. You may contact her by sending an email to

Author Links:

Kody Boye:
Kody.jpgKody Boye was born and raised in Southeastern Idaho. Since his initial publication in the Yellow Mama Webzine in 2007, he has gone on to sell nearly three-dozen stories to various markets. He is the author of the short story collection Amorous Things, the novella The Diary of Dakota Hammell, the zombie novel Sunrise and the dark fantasy novel Blood. His fiction has been described as ‘Surreal, beautiful and harrowing’ (Fantastic Horror,) while he himself has been heralded as a writer beyond his years(Bitten by Books.) He currently lives and writes in the Austin, Texas area.


Prizes :
- Paperback of The Midnight Spell
- Candle
- Bookmarks
a Rafflecopter giveaway

What do you guys think of this book? Have you read it?
Do you think this is something you would be willing to try?
Be sure to let me know in the comments below!

Thank you to Giselle for letting me participate in this book blitz!
Be sure to check out the Xpresso Book Tours page



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