
I'm sure all of you if not most, have heard what happened yesterday in Connecticut. I was shocked, devastated and utterly horrified by the cruel events. I didn't think it would shake me so much, but it did. I haven't slept peacefully in more than 24 hours. All I keep seeing when I close my eyes is a classroom full of dead children. I feel powerless because I can't do anything to change the fact that these beautiful children are never coming back. Times like these, I wish that we had time-machines or supernatural powers to change the past. Unfortunately, life is not as pretty as that. I can't even begin to imagine the pain and heart-ache the families and friends of these victims are going through right now. I get a lump in my throat when I think of the children who will never be able to smile again, of the parents who will never get to tell their babies how much they loved them and of the children who will go to school in fear and might never recover from the trauma.

Last night (morning in the US), I was furious and enraged. All I did was curse the heartless monster who ruined the lives of so many people so close to Christmas, a time that's supposed to be full of smiles and happiness. I realized that I was giving way too much attention the murderer when instead I should be focusing my prayers on the victims. And then there were the idiots of the media interviewing survivors of the shooting. A few moments later I see the Westboro Baptist Church preachers tweeting the following hash-tag : " #WePrayForMoreDeadChildren ". All of the above led me to being extremely angry towards everyone.
In my anger, I began tweeting how bloggers should probably stop with their review,giveaway tweets because it seemed cold according to me. I realized after talking to a couple of other bloggers that it's because a lot of bloggers have linked their accounts to Triberr which automatically links posts to Twitter. I apologize if I hurt you with these tweets of mine. Also, earlier I started tweeting curse words (because to be honest there's no words to describe the monster), and I know some of my followers are not fans of curses, so once again I apologize if I unknowingly angered someone.

I wish there was a way to stop all the hatred going on in the world today, but that's never going to be possible. All you can do is try to love your close ones as hard as you can. And constantly tell them how much you love them so that they know.
I'm going to leave you guys with a link to the Sandy Hook Support Fund. I'm not forcing anyone to donate money, but if you could share the image or just the link via your blog or twitter with others it will feel like you're doing something to help.

Pray for the children who will never get to see another day, for the parents who'll never get to say goodbye to their children, for the staff who died protecting their students and to those children who will be scarred for the rest of their lives. Pray for Newtown.


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