Blog Tour Stop : Undeadly by Michele Vail


The Undeadly by Michele Vail blog tour is organized by Shane @ Itching for Books

Hey guys!
Today I have on the blog Michele Vail for a guest post on zombies! I hope you guys enjoy it.

Undeadly (The Reaper Diaries, #1)Summary (from Goodreads)
Title : Undeadly (The Reaper Diaries #1)
Author : Michele Vail
Publisher : Harlequin Teen
Publication Date : November 20th 2012
Goodreads - The Book Depository

The day I turned 16, my boyfriend-to-be died. I brought him back to life. Then things got a little weird...

Molly Bartolucci wants to blend in, date hottie Rick and keep her zombie-raising abilities on the down-low. Then the god Anubis chooses her to become a reaper—and she accidentally undoes the work of another reaper, Rath. Within days, she's shipped off to the Nekyia Academy, an elite boarding school that trains the best necromancers in the world. And her personal reaping tutor? Rath.

Life at Nekyia has its plusses. Molly has her own personal ghoul, for one. Rick follows her there out of the blue, for another...except, there's something a little off about him. When students at the academy start to die and Rath disappears, Molly starts to wonder if anything is as it seems. Only one thing is certain—-Molly's got an undeadly knack for finding trouble....

Guest Post

The Care and Feeding of Zombies
This Information is Courtesy of Big Al’s Zomporium
Serving the Zombification Needs of Las Vegas for nearly a decade!

So, you’re a first-time zombie owner. Congratulations! At Big Al’s Zomporium, we know our valued customers have many questions about the care and feeding of zombies. That’s why we’ve put together this FAQ. We recommend you keep it in a convenient location for quick reference. If you have any problems with your zombie, please call our friendly representatives during business hours. If you are having a zombie emergency, call 933 (ZEE) to reach emergency zombie services.

Where do I keep my zombie?

Zombies require year-round shelter, which must be temperature-controlled, include a resting place, and have easy access to an emergency exit. The Zombie & Walking Dead Protection Act is a federal law that requires all zombie owners to follow these basic guidelines for providing shelter. Sticking your zombie in the garden shed, tethering it to a tree, or locking it in a closet is not considered sufficient shelter nor is it consider zombie humane. Zombie owners can and will be fined or charged with zombie abuse if authorities discover you do not have appropriate shelter.

How do I give my zombie instructions?

Zombies have the limited ability to follow basic, one-step commands. They do not have the brain functions to complete complicated tasks (such as doing your taxes—whether or not your zombie used to be a CPA or an IRS agent) nor can they follow a long to-do list. You give your zombie one simple job, and when that’s completed, you give him another. Your zombie can bring in the groceries, take out the trash, mow the lawn, start your car on a cold morning, watch a scary movie with you, change light bulbs, and much more! Your zombie gives you 24/7 complaint-free help for your household and your business.

Will my zombie eat me or my dog?

As long you take appropriate steps to suppress your zombie’s appetite, you and your pets are completely safe. While zombies are dead with only minimal brain activity in order to walk and to follow simple commands, there is a complex and mysterious side effect created by zombification: the walking dead have a constant, insatiable hunger. We have yet to figure out a cause for the Hunger, but we do have safe, effective means of controlling it. At Big Al’s Zomporium, every one of our zombies comes with a guaranteed magical appetite suppressant that ensures your zombie will not fall victim to the Hunger during the first twelve months. Magical appetite suppressants are more effective than zombie supplements and only have to be re-applied once a year. However, some customers find Ghoul-AID to be a more affordable option. Ghoul-AID should be given to your zombie at least once a week. We recommend signing up for the Ghoul-AID delivery service so that you never run out of your zombie’s supplement. Federal law states that any zombie showing signs of the Hunger must be decapitated and cremated immediately.


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